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One time, I coincidentally saw you in our store (to where im working as a cashier). You were sitting and I assumed you're waiting for someone. You could not see me since it's peak season -- all souls day. I couldn't even greet you since you were looking somewhere else so I just continued taking orders from the costumers. After several minutes, i noticed you were still there. I got the chance to stare at you, longer this time. Good thing, my manager announced that I could finally take my break. I grabbed my meal then went near where your table is -- you were dumfounded again to see me in the same store and now wearing the store's uniform. I shyly smiled at you and asked why weren't you eating the meal you ordered. You said you're waiting for someone. I was right. You were waiting for someone who is very close to your heart. You introduced her to me as your girlfriend. You have a girlfriend, Dino. I didn't see that coming. Never. It never crossed my mind that you might be taken. I listened to my heart -- i listened just to my heart. I followed it and led me to where I am right now. I am yours. I am all yours. But you will never be mine. You belong to someone else.

Paramour || LQTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon