"m¥ UnD!$¢0√€R!€$"

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Waking up in the middle of the night or should I say 'midnight' with cold breeze and fuzzy gloomy sound of freaking old creepy wooden floor below your bed.

You suddenly realized you're sleeping in a dark room alone and the small glass window above your head is slowly unclogging from its rusty old lock.

At the certain moment, you wished for hundred times that you're just sleeping so, you tried to convince yourself to wake up and turn on the lamp beside you but it's not, you're in the other side.

You're absolutely awake with your eyes widely open but it seems like you cannot see anything.
You feel completely frozen and the blanket's trying to cover you tightly that you cannot even make a single move or breath in a normal way.

All of a sudden, someone has hummed something in your ear in an icy raspy voice that make your nerves stiff and cold and your body's shaking rapidly from head to foot. Like somewhat you feel goose bumps everywhere.

Silent hiccups and helpless cries are inside of you and no one's there to save you from your own bewildering undiscoveries.

\√aN+ $0m€ ©oMm€n+$ h€r€ 0r aN¥ $uGg€$+!0n$.
B+w, +HaNk$ 4 r€ad!Ng.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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