Not just his fan (1)

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The line in front of me seems to be getting to its end finally. From here I can see Michael sitting behind the table that separate him from all of his crazy fans that are screaming and crying and I saw one that even fainted. Would you believe some of them dare to even touch his butt? Or his front? This man can be the huge pop star, but he's also a human being....they can't treat him like this and think everything is ok.

His bodyguards are standing all around him and when one of those 'head over heels in love' does something impropriate they immediately drag her away from him while her screaming can surely be heard even far in the outside from this building. But Michael doesn't seem to mind though, he truly loves all of his fans and when they have to leave like this it really hurts him.

Oh my god there are just two girls rest before I get my chance to talk to my idol. I can't wait, my heart is racing and this room seems to be at least 10 degrees hotter than it was just a few seconds ago. But I still have a big respect for Michael, I'm not gonna cause another awkward scene....just one hug, autograph and maybe a little talk, that's all I want....correct: that's all I'll do but you know...

"Hello beautiful." His soft voice makes me wake up from my day dreaming and quickly releasing my bottom lip that I was chewing to ease my excitement.

There he is....sitting behind the wooden table, right in front of me. His bright smile that could light up the whole city and the positive energy radiating out of him could easily cure every depression. And those dark brown eyes of his, sparkling like the surface of the sea mirroring the sun are looking at me like at the most precious flower he's ever seen.

I'm blushing like crazy and not just because of the way he's looking at me, but also because he called me beautiful. "Umm, hello Mr. Jackson." My teeth again find my bottom lip since I'm so nervous in his presence and he giggles softly at how I just called him. "You're the first fan who's called Mr. Jackson." Releasing​ the lip again I smile widely at him. Why did I call him by his last name?

"Really? Well I thought it would be more kind than to call you by your first name immediately." He chuckles, seemingly flattered by my response. "Yes, you are....but don't worry, you can call me Michael, and you are?" He smiles at me which makes me smile at him too. "Ok Michael, I'm Y/N." "Nice to meet you Y/N, but unfortunately we don't have much time. Would you like an autograph? Or a hug?" He says with a little smile upon his lips and with sadness hidden behind that tiny gesture. Is he really sad to not see me again? "Umm, can I have both?" I giggle innocently while playing with the hem of my dress. He grins and stands up from his chair. " Of course you can."

One of his bodyguards comes to me and guides me along the table to Michael and watches me the whole time like I wanted to kill him. I know it's his job but it makes me a little uncomfortable.

As I'm walking closer to him he smiles wide and opens out his arms to hug me. I giggle and blush and delicately wrap my arms around his slim waist and he closes his arms around my little self. It feels so good, it's warm and comfortable and I can feel the love he has inside of him for all of us. His body is firm but inviting and his minty scent is heavenly. A few of his curls are tickling my face and I'm slowly realising that these are the last moments we have together, even though he holds me as tight as you wouldn't think so.

"Michael?" I beep. "Yes Y/N?" He looks down at me and smiles. "I'll miss you." Feeling a tear running down my face I quickly look away from him because I don't want him to see me crying. I hear a sigh coming from his lips and then he slowly unwraps his arms and put them on my shoulders. "Y/N" He says softly to make me look at him so I do as I was told, but my eyes are producing so many tears that it makes my view blurry.

"Don't cry, please. I have an idea." He wipes them away and smiles at me. "An idea?" I sob. "Yes, is that my picture you're holding in your hand?" He points at my hand and I look at Michael's photo with Bubbles I'm holding in it. "Yes, why?" He smirks mysteriously and reaches his hand to take it from me. He sits down on his chair and starts writing something on that photo. "Here." He smiles while giving it back to me. I take it and then one of the bodyguards comes to us. "Mr. Jackson, hurry up. There are still a lot of fans." He says irritated and Michael just nods.

"Ok Y/N. It was nice to meet such a beautiful lady as you but you have to go now." He winks at me like this wasn't meant to be the last time we see each other. "But Michael, what's that idea you were talking about?" Chuckling he points at his photo in my hand. "Read it carefully. But for now, you really have to go." I just nod, absolutely confused and step out of the line. What was that about? He smiles and waves at me and I do the same while leaving.

Maybe I should read it when I'm in my car. Looking one last time at him talking to another crazy fan I sigh and make my way to the car....luckily I managed to park it right in front of the stadium where the concert was played so I don't have to go so far.

The parking lot is lightened up so brightly that it seems like it was a day instead of the middle of the night which it is. Every inch of this place is screaming that here was the concert of the legendary Michael Jackson, the king of pop. All around me are crowds of people talking and laughing, happy to be a part of this.

Finally getting to my car I sit inside and inhale and exhale deeply. I'm so excited. I hold the photo to my eyes and read what Michael wrote in there.

"To my beautiful fan, Y/N
Michael Jackson"

"Aww that's so sweet of h-- .....Wait!"

In the right bottom corner of the photo is something more.

"(213) 907 5130 ;-)"

Gasping I feel another batch of tears forming in my eyes. "So this is that idea he was talking about?" I can't believe it, he gave me his number, his number! I have the number of Michael Jackson! But what should I do now? I surely will call him but, but when? Maybe in the morning....I'm sure he's exhausted and talking to someone he met just once in his life isn't one of the things he'd like to do right now....and plus he isn't even back home. It looks like it will be a long night for him....same as for me because I won't be able to fall asleep, knowing that this day maybe wasn't the last one I saw him........

So what do you guys think? And btw the number is real. If you dialed it in the 80s maybe he'd picked it up. Just imagine....


~ To be continued ~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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