Poem: Variations on Naming

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I look down at you, fast asleep

Eyes tightly shut, your mouth open and relaxed

And I wonder if we named you right. 

Perhaps we should have named you Helen

I would gladly launch a thousand ships

in your name

Naval destroyers

Row boats

Cruise ships

Rocket ships to the moon to plant a flag

with your face. 

You curl a tiny fist and I see Diana

Strong and beautiful

Warrior and Goddess

Princess and soldier

Running through the forest, hair flowing behind you

Moonlight gleaming 

Or maybe you're Persephone

My whole world brightens

now that you're here

Sunshine and happiness

Flowers and beauty

Green grass and new life

Warm spring rain falling onto the 

parched earth. 


Maybe I should call you Ruth

Pray you'll belong to your husband's family

Declare "Where you go, I'll follow"

But that means leaving me. 

Maybe you're Mary

Ave Maria


Full of grace

Innocent, pure, dedicated to the Lord. 

Or perhaps Danielle

A feminine Daniel stuck in a lion's den

Heart of gold

Destined for royalty

I pray that your name will buoy you when 

you face the lions. 

But I study your picture

in my hand

black and white

barely outlined 

And touch my stomach, knowing that I want to call you


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