Chapter 2

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The school isn’t too big or too small, just perfect for a quaint little town. Red brick buildings, tall pine trees, and bright green grass for acres. A meadow is easily spotted from the quad. Birds fly by singing their sweet little songs. I take a moment just to breathe in the sweet, wet air. It’s different, definitely different, but a good different.

            The other kids aren’t too mean, and I made casual talk with passing strangers, which is always nice. The teachers are helpful and greet me with smiles; so very different from California.

Stephan thankfully hasn’t left my side the whole time we go to class. He walks me to the registrar to get my papers and things I’d need, coming in mid-semester is never fun.

            “Well this is me,” I state standing next to room 516.

            “Good this is me as well,” he smiles walking in.

            I feel my blush come back as I step into the classroom. I see some classmates stare at me as I walk to the teacher’s desk, almost as if they’re intrigued by me.

            “Hi, I’m Clarabelle Wilson,” I state in a sweet voice.

            The teacher turns around in her chair and greets me with a big smile. She takes my paper, gives it a quick sign, and then hands it back.

            “Thanks,” I say turning around.

            “Over here,” I hear Stephan say as he motions me near him.

            I take a seat and smile at Stephan who gladly returns a smile at me.

            The classroom is small, only 15 kids or so in the class. The desks are small, old, and wooden. The walls are painted a light ivory and tacky multi-colored carpet that has seen better days lines the floor. The room has a surprising scent of vanilla and for the first time I see a chalkboard instead of whiteboard. I could get used to this.

            “Alright class settle, settle,” the teacher says as she stands front and center. “I’m Ms. Peckster, and I’m your first period teacher. Now you may be asking yourselves, ‘why is she introducing herself, we already know who she is,’ well that’s because we have a new classmate. Clarabelle would you please stand,” she says with a smile.

            “Just Clara,” I say as I stand and smile at the new and friendly faces.

            “Why don’t you tell us something about yourself.”

            I feel a bit flustered and immediately forget everything I am. I see Stephan lean closer to me in the corner of my eye.

            “Well I’m Clara Wilson and I’m from California,” I state feeling that was good enough.

            “Do you have a hobby?” a girl asks in the front row.

            “Um, I like to paint,” I say rubbing my arm.

            “Oh you must show us your portfolio some time,” Ms. Peckster states.

            “Sure,” I say sitting down.

            Phew, that’s over.

            The teacher turns around and begins to write on the board.

            “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.”

            The teacher turns back around to address the class and her face changes to being annoyed.

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