26 : Born

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Requested / Credits by zoe_animebaka

Rishu goes into labour...

The doctor comes out " erm... "

Laxus: what's wrong?

" She's fine. Your baby are fine."

Laxus: Boy or girl?!

The doctor smiled " a boy. As for your wife, she's too exhausted and she is currently resting. Do you want to see them?"

Laxus: Hai.

The doctor leads the way " it's also really rare for me to put two ... Two tiny people in different boxes."

Laxus: I see what you mean. Rishu is a book keeper . She's small in size. It's a magic thing.

" Oh... "

Laxus laughs at the rishu who was exhausted and sleeping like a baby in the box because of her size. He can't help thinking that rishu really looks like one of his kids too.

He carries up his baby onto his arm. A warm smile appears onto his face. He couldn't stop smiling.
Rishu wakes up . She yawns and stretches " laxus... How is he?"

Laxus: really cute. Like you.

Rishu turns into adult size and carries the boy into her arms " have you thought of names?"

Laxus: Rixus.

Rishu smiles " um. "

Laxus' little catWhere stories live. Discover now