A Story from Word Suggestions

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I am a purple monster Cable TV, and slower, and slower, and slower, and slower, then stopped. I saw something behind the tree. I looked to my right and saw two red dots that were on a machine. I am sleeping downstairs tonight. my brother slept on his bed and Brendon and I slept on the couch. I heard a loud voice. I am sleeping downstairs tonight. my brother slept in the car and we went to school. After gym I went to the fridge and looked for something good. I grabbed my phone and I decided to take a nap. I felt something licking my face. I opened the door and ran down the road. he was barking and he was jumping, it was cute. I sat down and he kept licking my phone number is a highway, highway But will they be alive tomorrow? they say, come on, I bet you are. I killed your mother only because she cared about you more than I did. now. you have no one but me. I looked to my room and locked the door. I assumed it was Brendon so I just sat there, uncomfortable. I kinda wanted to cry but I knew I can't. after a while I realized it was dark. I checked my phone and I decided to take care of the Fabulous Killjoy the Fabulous. the doctor turned the light off, and left. I put on a black hoodie, some people are going today's meeting with the message man These lyrics aren't for everyone Only one of the front pockets. my dad is being protected from disclosure under applicable law. if you are. I killed your own suppression I like the hunger strike a few days ago.

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