Chapter One

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I sighed, putting the saucepan to the side. My nightgown flowed around my knees as I made my way towards my little sunshine's room.

The floor of the hallway was cold beneath my bare feet. It was a beautiful maple colored wood. Anne and I fell in love with it at first sight. But it wasn't up to me as much as it was to her.

The door knob turned with little effort as I padded my way into her room. It was every six year old's dream. Being seven years older than her, I tried my hardest to make her feel like a princess, in contrast to my room, which was relatively plain.

I smiled at the bundle of blankets on the bed. "Anne," I said, gently shaking her. The purple covers wrinkled in protest as I shook her more. Finally a head poked out sleepily.

"Do I have to get up?" The blonde little girl asked. She resembled me quite a bit.

I nodded, "you have school soon, and I made breakfast."

This woke her up. "Cinnamon toast?"

"Yep, but you have to get dressed if you want any."

She scrambled to her feet, dashing around the room as I crept out. In the opposite direction of the kitchen, I walked to the end of the hall. The door looked over me as I peeked in. Luckily, he was still passed out from the alcohol he had drunk yesterday.

Sighing in relief, I hurried back to the kitchen to dish out some eggs and toast.

"Anne!" I called. A small voice replied.

"Over here! I'm hungry, Marcy!" I rolled my eyes at her nickname for me with a smile.

"Alright you little munchkin, I surrender."

I got us both two plates and began to serve up some breakfast. Anne gobbled it up quickly while I took my time. I didn't eat much, but Anne luckily didn't notice.

"Alright kiddo, let's walk you to the bus," I said to my little sister. She smiled big at me.

We walked through the house to the door, where her backpack and shoes, along with her raincoat, laid. I handed her the shoes, putting the lunch in her backpack. Sighing slightly in tiredness, I put on my own coat and held the for open.

"For you, Princess Anne," I said, joking.

She played along, curtsying. "Why thank you-" she lost her balance a bit and stumbled, catching herself.

We laughed and stepped outside. Frowning, I realized that it was pouring harder than I thought. "Those cats and dogs sure are falling hard."

Anne nodded, "indeed they are. Can we get a noodle?"

I chuckled at her. "Sure, we can get a noodle. Quite a few in fact. How's spaghetti sound for dinner?" she nodded.

Quickly, I opened the door and reached inside, grabbing the umbrella. It was a very pretty green with several forest designs on it. Anne's pretty green dress and doll like features (which we both inherited from our mother) made her look angelic against the rain.

Smiling to myself, I stepped down into the rain, the umbrella protecting us both. Anne rode the bus to school, but the stop was a few blocks down. I may be holding on too tightly by not letting her walk herself, but what can I say? I've been taking care of her for four years now. It's a habit.

Finally, we reached the sidewalk, and Anne let go of my hand and hugged me tight around my waist.

"I'll be here when you come back," I promised, kissing her head softly. She's my little sister, and I love her a lot.

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