I am Death

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(Chapter 0.5: Continuation)

Kendall was in the middle of her work when someone from the lobby called. "Hello" she answered

"Ms. Paige, a detective by the name Catherine Folie wants to see you"

"Let her in" she said.

A few minutes later, Detective Catherine was in front of her.

"What can I do for you?" she asked

"Your driver's dead or rather your driver’s twin brother is dead. We found him in an abandoned building and we found out that she killed Susan Toile while disguising as your driver."

"I see. Thank you for the information."

Catherine looked at her "We also found your shoe beside the dead guy" she said as she put the shoe at her table. "I thought Devil wears Prada but now she also wears Chanels."

She smiled "Detective, you're making a fuss about it. If I killed him, you must be thankful."

"But you didn't kill him. He died of a heart attack." Catherine said

"Oh. What a shame? So is there anything you wanted?"

"No. I just came here to tell you what happened and return your shoes." Catherine smiled. "Well, I guess I won't be seeing you again" she said

"Oh no Detective, we'll see each other again." she smiled "As a matter of fact, it will be soon."

"What are talking about?" Catherine asked. She was puzzled.

"Nothing detective, you can go now."

Catherine walks out.

"I'll be coming for you detective. You'll die soon"

"Detective, I have a bad news for you" Moore said as he approached her.

"What is it?" she asked

"Cosco Castro breaks out of jail" he said

"It's not a bad news, it's a worst news." she said. Cosco Castro is a drug dealer she put behind bars four years ago. That man is obsessed with her and will do anything just to make her dead.

"I know this is stupid but you should pack up already and fly away far from him"

"I'm ready for him but I would not let him kill me" she said

"Alright. So, where have you been?"

"Returned her shoe to Kendall Paige"

"What? And you didn't bother to tell me."

"Quit being pushy, you're already married with four children." she said

"Hey, don't blow it up. She could be my mistress"

She laughed. "Anyway, that woman is freaky"


"She said she'll meet me soon"

"Why would she say that?"

He looked at Moore, he said about the Grim Reaper being a human. "The Grim wears Chanels" she said and walks out.


Catherine was way out of the station and to her car when she got the feeling that someone is staring at her. As she looked everywhere, she found a familiar figure staring at her "Cosco" she said

"Detective Catherine!" Moore called

She looked at Moore "Huh?"

"You left you're keys." he said

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