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"Here at Universal Studios, we are very open to new actors and actresses. So, congratulations Ms.(Y/L/N), and welcome to the Universal family." Chris smiles at me warmly and shakes my hand when I entered the building. I was a new actress here, got accepted for an audition about a week or so ago. I had no idea who I was working with, what I'm supposed to be doing or what I'm playing as.

"Thank you Chris." I return a smile and sit up straight, trying to land a good impression. He guides me through the long hallway, where pictures of famous celebrities lined the walls holding Oscars and plaques. I want to be like that too. This is my only chance, and I will not mess this up. "So, what will I be doing at my new job?"

Chris taps his chin. "We don't like to think of it as a 'job'. More of a hobby that you get paid to do, if that makes sense." We turn into a corner, where more doors were. "You will be playing as Princess Amelia Belleneè, who was locked away in a magical kingdom for all of her life. Clichè plot, I know. Soon, she gets tired of it and elopes with a British prince to a faraway land, where they lose each other and somehow, lands in New York City."

I think about the plot for a moment, wondering if I would be able to play a modern day princess. "Sounds interesting."

"It is! Mr. Spielberg himself will be directing it, so we had to carefully choose the cast." He winks. "I guess he saw something in you. We could've chosen a star like Anne Hathaway or Amy Adams, but we decided that we needed a fresh face introduced to the big screen and hopefully from starting at that we can help you go big, far, and sign new contracts."

"Great! Who will I be working with?"

"I think you'll know them once you see their faces." Chris stops at a dull blue door and unlocks it, twisting the knob. The door swings open, and you stood in the doorway watching the world famous actors Alfred F. Jones and Arthur Kirkland furiously pulling at each others hair.

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