first smut I wrote in new school

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A/n jkjk I know you don't like A/n lets get right in to this

one day you where at your boyfriends house Calvins you where made because he wasn't paying aticion and focusing on his work. you where sexual frustrated he was in his room you where horny so you had this idea to touch your self you got on the couch unbuttoned your shorts and imagined calvin and his big scaley hands you stroked your self threw your soked panties you wimpring you stared moning the faster you rubbed you put your hands down your panties and stared rubbing your clit making you wetter you where moing like a pornstar you heared the door open calvin walked in whith a sly smirk

cal pov for a sec I though I was getting robed but this is hot but damn this is hot

you blushed at him at his presents and now that hes here yiu can immagin the things hes going to do to you

HAY he said loudly I didn't tell you to stop he yelled in a seductive voice


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