Chapter one

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Rose's POV

"Ugh! Why do we need to meet our CEO's???" I asked my workmates/BFF's Jennie Lisa and jisoo.

"Our boss said it" jisoo said while fixing her hair.

~ Time Skippeu ~

"Ugh, my makeup is wasted!" Jennie said.

"I told ya, you just waste your time" Lisa said.

"Ugh, they said we will 'meet' them!" Jisoo said, fixing her hair again

"We 'did" meet the but in video message only" I told them.

"Let's go home now!" I added.

"Sorry rose, but I need to spend time with my boyfie Jin" jisoo said.

"And Yoongi ask me to a date" Jennie told me.

"And jungkook and I will go to the park!!!" Lisa said.

"Uhm, guess I'll go home alone" I told them while sighing.

"Unnie, I can go with I need to brought some food in the park for me and jungkook to eat!" Lisa said.

"Uhm, ok?" I told her.

Jennie and jisoo bid goodbye to us and me and Lisa started to walk on our way home.

~ Time Skippeu again😊 ~

Lisa is done with packing the food I helped her because I have nothing to do before she got out on the door she told me.

"Unnie!, FIND A BOYFIE ALREADY!!!" She shouted and ran.

"Aish that girl!!!" I told to myself.

When Lisa leaved I felt the feeling of being left out and being alone, so I decided to go out for a walk.

As I was walking in the streets of Seoul I bumped into someone.

"Oww" I said holding my butt while standing up.

"Uhm, are you ok?" The man with a deep voice asked

"Can't ya see!? I'm hurt" I told the man coldly.

"Hyung!!!" Someone is shouting from behind.

This time I need to look up the man that was shouting from behind was now with the man I bumped, but something is familiar with them.

This time I ran I felt embarrassed.

I stopped running when I got away from them.

I got in a restaurant and I saw Jennie and Yoongi so I sat away from them and I ordered a ramen.

I looked at my clothes I saw my ID lace but my ID is missing! I looked at my bag my pockets was gone....

Maybe I lost it when I bumped on that man. I thought to myself

I finished my ramen and I saw that Jennie and Yoongi are gone.

I was walking home I saw two figures in the front door, I thought it was Jennie and Yoongi but when I got nearer I saw two men wearing black suits at the front door.

Oh god! What do I do?! I thought to myself.

I realized I was already running I just keep thinking run,run,run, you must ran away from them!.

But then as I looked back they're following me.

Then the man on the left shouted "IM THE MAN WHOM YOU BUMPED EARLIER DONT GET SCARED" the man shouted

"WERE HERE TO BRING BACK YOURE ID!!!!" The man on the right shouted.

I stopped cuz I need an ID so I can work.

As I stopped and turn around they are already infront of me.

"I see that your working in our company" the man on the left said then they both smirked.

They're are the CEO's!!??

"Mr. Kim?! Mr. Park?!"

"Yes?" They said in unison

Shit, I'm doomed! What should I do!?


What would rose do?

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