Part 2

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While my mind and soul despise it for being alive, my heart hates my monster for different reasons.

My heart aches consistently.

Always searching for love that I'll never recieve.

My heart waits within the background of my conscious.

Preparing to pounce on its prey.

It lusts after many, attempting to mend it's poisoned wounds by applying dabs of sensuality and romanticism.

Naive, the heart remains, not knowing the poison can't be healed through its practice.

A poison forced on a self cannot be healed by the self's trinity parts.

A unified trinity could save it's self, but a part on its own is helpless.

My heart remains alone in its efforts to save itself, the mind and soul are busy trying to save my self.

My heart can never be mended, for the poison comes from my mind and soul.

The poisonous gas that shrouds my true self.

My heart is naive, however it is not ignorant.

It knows my monster.

It hates my monster less than it hates me.

My heart would never have its dream scape if my monster never took over.

My dreams would cease once my inner conflicts are solved, for my heart would have no reason to escape during the unconscious hours of the day.

My mind and soul would be at peace, converting the poison into an aphrodisiatic gas.

Throwing my self into bliss, turning my reality into my dream.

The heart would become one, once again, with the trinity.

My heart wants that more than anything, but knows it can't be obtained.

My heart knows that it is my self that hinders the destruction of the poisonous shell.

My heart knows that my self, my mind and my soul, is the one stopping it's dream from coming true.

For that reason alone, my heart hates me more than it despises my monster.

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