Chapter 1: 14th Birthday

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My name is Angelica Faust, and I am currently 13 years old. I am 5' 4'' of height, with pale skin, long dead hair and bright pink-fuchsia eyes... I know what you are thinking. How in the world could a person have pink-fuchsia eyes? Well, ever since my birth, the doctors said that I had a genetic mutation below my ocular cortex, which made my eyes look like they are now. The thought that always kept me worried about developing some sort of condition due to the pigment of my eyes. Though apparently, I was perfectly healthy. In fact, I was beyond healthy...

Studies of my brain indicated that I had a very active neurological activity. One that was beyond any normal human being... The average percentage for an average human is of 4 to 12% brain function, but I had exceeded this percentage with a 21% of neurological activity. In other words, I was the smartest human on planet earth. Of course, this made me feel really weird and odd. A fact that made me believe for a long time that I was cursed.

Both of my parents had died in a car crash since I was 8 years old. Nobody from my family was ever found to claim me and I ended up living in a foster home... My first experience there was very strange. The female monks and the foster kids used to look at me as if I was some sort of abnormal creature; an abomination from God... I felt very awful every time people looked at me like that. It made me feel worthless and doe to the recent events of my parent's deaths, I felt even more devastated.

Somehow, I did not seem to fit anywhere. Every place I went to was way below my field of understanding. Whenever I spoke, people stopped to think, confused over what I said. Their eyes would go empty and lost to another reality... Was I really THAT smart? Or did they just lacked intuition? Perhaps, I was destined to live a lonely life.

The first steps of my childhood foster home were terrible. But then I realized that the world would spin around every day, indifferent of its events. This helped me maintain my self-esteem, but when I arrived at the public school for the first time in my life, everything changed. The first words that I heard as I crossed over the gates were freak and loser. This made me feel very angry... I remember yelling at them for their uncivilized behavior, but they just laughed and threw rocks at me. There were so many kids that I panicked and eventually, I started to cry...

However, there was a young man who stood up for me. He was almost twice my age and twice as mad. His name was "Calcifer", like the fire demon of Howl's Moving Castle. A very tall, handsome and determined young man. He yelled at everyone and scared them away by throwing back the same rocks that they threw at me. Then, he extended his hand with a smile on his face, asking me if I was okay, and that is how I met him... The love of my life.

I always admired the unbreakable spirit of Calcifer's pure heart. He was kind, strong, smart and very supportive. Calcifer was always surrounded by an incredible aura of peace. Whenever I was close to Calcifer, I felt safe and accepted. His parents abandoned him when he was little and nobody from his family ever came to claim him. Therefore, he was raised in the same foster home than me. He was all mine to keep, as I was his to protect. We built a brotherly sister like relationship and took care of each other ever since.

Calcifer with time came to understand everything about my existence. My past, my emotions and my endless thoughts. He could even anticipate the words that would come out of my mouth and my reaction towards things. Also, at the beginning of every day, he would complement the color of my eyes and tell me that I was the most beautiful creature that the lord has ever made. Every time he complemented my eyes, a very big and wide smile was drawn out of my face. He said that my smile was so bright and cheerful, that it was able to light up the farol in the sky. Wherever Calcifer was... Wherever Calcifer went... True happiness was achieved. Calcifer... he was my happiness.

But years passed and Calcifer turned 18... As for the foster home rules, he had to get a job and also a new home. He could no longer stay at the foster home with me... I was barely 12 years old, and I could not go with him either. I was afraid and nervous... The thought of never seeing Calcifer again... For them to just cut him out of my life... It was just unacceptable. So, I resorted to extreme measures, and I begged... I held on to Calcifer and I began to cry. I implored him not to leave, but he smiled instead and told me to not be afraid, to be strong, live well and stay put, because no matter what, he would come back for me and take me with him.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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