Chapter Nineteen

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"Alright, this is the last rehearsal before our full dress run tomorrow," said Principal Kensington. "I want a clean run with no nonsense from anyone – remember, there's still time for me to replace you if necessary."

Beside Andy, William tensed. Richard Kensington had looked directly at him when he said that line.

Tying up the ribbons of her pointe shoes, Andy did a few rises to warm up her feet before starting to stretch. Then, she took off her puffy winter vest and leg warmers.

Mrs Artino was standing at the side with the skirts of her costume, waiting to help her into them for a final fitting. The girls were mostly in their half costumes, wearing the elaborate skirts to get used to them.

By the side mirrors, Julia pranced about in her light blue tulle skirts, twirling and watching the material float around her. The boys had their vests and props, ready to give them a final test before tomorrow.

Andy gripped the skirts of her first dress, a simple light brown frock made of chiffon. The waistband was a little too loose for her liking and she informed Mrs Artino.

"I'll have it tightened tonight, dear."

Nodding, Andy went to take her place in the wings that were demarcated by lines of masking tape. With a clap from Principal Kensington, the music started and they began the run.

When it was over, sweat was pouring down Andy's back despite her choice to wear an open-backed leotard. Ethan was breathing hard with his arm around her waist.

"Curtains open. Take your final bow, people."

Looking over to Andy, Ethan got her confirmation before leading her forward. Shifting his hand to her lower back, he guided her into a curtsy. They moved to the side and waited for everyone else to take their bows before doing a final round.

"Curtains close. Everyone take five and we'll go through some final notes."

Andy could barely keep her eyes open during the final briefing. Principal Kensington reminded her to smile at appropriate times and to keep her lines clean. After he addressed her, she zoned out and stared blankly ahead until they were dismissed.

"Good luck for tomorrow," Ethan said, twisting the lid back onto his water bottle after chugging down its contents.

Andy gave him a tight smile. "You too," she replied.

Later that afternoon, she found herself back at the Brew House. Deacon presented her with a problem the instant she stepped through the door.

"Andy, Eli's here but all he's doing is stoning in the kitchen with his headphones on."

"Why can't you just make him do his work?"

"Because when I said 'stoning', I meant literally. He's smoking a joint in the kitchen."

"What?" She checked herself before she yelled in the middle of the dining area.

Deacon looked her right in the eye. "I'm serious."

Forcing herself to be brave, Andy tied on her apron and stepping into the kitchen. Heavy smoke filled the air and she tried her best not to breathe any of it in to her system.

She plucked the bong off the table and tossed it into the sink full of soapy dishwater. Then, with more bravado than she expected, she ripped Eli's earphones out and opened the back door to let some of the smoke out of the room.

However, that only served to irritate him.

"Leave me the fuck alone," he said, taking a swig from the bottle of Bacardi beside him.

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