Chapter 2- meet his family

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(Wearing which one you like the best ☝️)
Your POV
I woke up this morning and I was excited because today I would meet "Mr.Monkey's" family. I got up and did my hair, got dressed, ate breakfast, and then brushed my teeth. I looked at the clock and saw that I had about an hour before I planned to meet him, so I just sat down on my bed and I looked up "Mr.Monkey's" name and a whole bunch of videos popped up of him and what I guess to be his family. I clicked on them and started watching all of them, they are really fun! I look at the clock and see that it's time to meet him. I grab my phone and head out to see him walking towards my drive way. I wave to him and he looks so good right now that I can't help but smile. "Hey, glad to see you again. I can't wait for you to meet my family, I just know that they will love you." he says to me. "I can't wait to met them, let's go" I responded. He grabs my hand and started running to his house, I tried to keep up with him but all I could think about was how he was holding my hand. We finally stopped in front of this house, which I guess is his house. He opens the door and lets me go in first (what a gentlemen), we take off our shoes and walk in to the living room. I see this man and woman, who I guess was his dad and mom. I shake their hand. "Hey mom and dad, this is (y/n). She and her family just moved here and were are going to hang out" Mr.monkey says "ok. Good to meet you (y/n)" says his dad. We were about to walk away when I catch his dad and mom out of the corner of my eye giving Mr.Monkey a really cheese smile and thumbs up as if to say "good luck" I pretended not to see as Mr.Monkey looks back at me with the smallest blush on his cheeks. We walk up to his room and go into his room (remember this is a clean story) and just start talking (I am changing the format to make it easier to under stand their conversation.)
You- "so I saw you guys are in YouTube."
Mr.M- "oh, you saw that. Ya we love being on YouTube. Please tell me you're not just hanging with me to become famous."
You- "I promise you with all my heart that I am not using you to help me get famous. Hey, you are a really good singer."
Mr.M- (blushes) "um, thank you. I can sing you something if you want?"
You- (smile) "I would really like that."
Mr.Monkey sings "Treat you better" (and yes this is and actual song that he coved, look it up on YouTube)
You- "wow, that was amazing! (Clapped for him while laughing in a nice way)"
Mr.M- (blushes even more and bows while laughing with you) "thanks!"
You guys talk about anything and everything together for a few more hours. You look at the clock and see the time "it's getting late, I should get going" you say. "Ok, I will walk you out" he says. He walks you to the end of your driveway, "I had a lot of fun.we should hang out tomorrow at the park" he says to you. "Me too. Ok I will meet you there say about 1?" You say hopping that he will say yes. "Sounds like a plan." You smile at each other and start to walk away. When you get in to your house you go to your room and think to yourself "I love hanging out with him and I can't wait for tomorrow. And when he sang for me my heart started to melt. Wait! Do I have a crush on Mr.Monkey. Maybe? I will wait for tomorrow before I make any decisions."

Mr.Monkey's POV (after he asked you to the park and started to walk away)
I think to myself " wow! I really love hanging out with her, she if funny, nice, polite, and not to mention cute. Wait! Do I like (y/n)? Possibly, I mean when I was singing for her I felt nervous and I never get nervous about singing. I will just wait tomorrow to actually see if I do like her."

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