The ball

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You were studying when you realized you were about to be late for the host club

You: they'll be all over me if I'm late

You ran to Music room 3 where you saw Haruhi at the door

Haruhi: your late too?

You: yeah

You both open the door to be greeted with some hawian getup

Boys: welcome

Twins: oh Haruhi Y/n your late

You: yeah our bad

Haruhi: according to my calendar this is definitely still early April

Tamaki: huddling under a kotatsu table fearing the cold would be nonsense why​ else do we have this perfect heating and cooling system?

Kyoya: do you have some​ sort of criticism of out clubs policies? you both owe us a debt of 8million yen

You sigh remembering​ how you broke the vase

Tamaki: fine men do not bundle up in bulky clothing it may be a chilling early spring out in the world but in our club we welcome our chilly little kittens to a warm south tropical aura yea today this place a supreme paradise a hot hot island of everlasting summer

Haruhi: I on the other ha7nd feel a chill in every sense of the world

Tim skip

Girl: Y/n-senpai how come you aren't wearing anything tropical?

Girl2: yeah I would love to see how cute you'd be

You: sorry to disappoint you none of the outfits were really my style sorry to ruin your fantasy

You had tears in your eyes with your cheeks red

Girl: oh no it's okay senpai you​ still look cute anyway

Girl 3: yeah don't look sad

You smile at them giving sparks in their eyes

You: I can't be sad with so many cute kittens around me I'd do anything to stay with you

They all hugged you with red covering their faces out of the corner of your eye you​ saw the twins looking at you

Hikaru: hey senpai

Twins: wanna play a game?

You: what kind of game?

Girl: guess who's Hikaru!

Girl2: oh it's such a hard game but maybe you can do it

The twins started moving around with hats on their head they stopped moving and you already knew the answer

Twins: witch one if us is Hikaru!?

You: the one on the right is Hikaru the one on the left is Kaoru

Twins: na na your wrong

You: no I'm not Hikaru your bangs are always to the right Kaoru your bangs are to the left and if you changed them I would have known by now

By the looks on their faces you caught them completely off guard

You: so by the looks on your faces I am right aren't I?

Kaoru: nice for your first try

Hikaru: yeah

Girls: ahhh senpai is so amazing

One week after Tamaki threatening to tell everyone you and Haruhi are girls and bust you back down to errand boys

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