Chapter 7: Meeting the Superiors

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Chapter 7: Meeting the Superiors

We went out the room when a girl, about the same age as us went out of her room. She has red hair which she tied. She was wearing a black dress and a red cardigan. On her back was her friends or more of her Personal Assistants. They were wearing the same as the girl but theirs were red. She eyed me head to toe and gave me an evil-look. I continued to walk to the lift with my friends where the red haired girl rode too. I tried to ignore her but it's hard if they keep on looking at you We reached ground floor, when I was about to go, she went in front of me which cause me bump her. "Back off,and look where you're going!" That totally hit me. So, I answered. "You back off! O was on my way to go out. But you...... y-you......" Her cold stare made me stop. "Ha! You can't even stand up for yourself." She said and sashayed away. I mean, how juvenile is that?! sashaying. Ugh.Okay, I went out and saw Ms. Sparks. waiting for us there. I noticed that she changed her black skirt to a pink one."Hello,darlings." She said and kissed us all in the cheek. "Hi Ms. Sparks." I said "You know what,darling? Call me Eli. And I'm not a "Ms.", I'm a "Mrs."."

"Um,okay." I replied. "Who do you want us to meet?" "Wait and see, darling." Again, she said with french accent. We rode a taxi to our destination. "Girls, here we are. Chic Design Enterprises." She said proudly. "Wow. It's...... huge." Is all I can say. "I know, darling." She said,nodding. We went inside and I saw a nice chandelier again. This time it was silver. We rode a lift again, this time up to 7th floor. (This building has like,more than 10 floors!) Many people greeted Ms...... er, Eli. "Wow. You're famous." I said, but she just laughed. Clary and Venice stayed outside.We went inside an office. It was a huge one but for only one person. A desk was in the middle and a chair was at the back. Two chairs was at the front for guest people. The place was colored baby pink. The place was decorated with sketch designs all over the place. Probably, the woman sitting by the desk sketched all these. The woman was thin and was wearing all black which made her look thinner. She wore a black tank top,black jacket over it and women cargo pants. (Also black) "Megan Morriette meet Ms. Katy Woods. Ms. Katy meet Megan" Eli introduced us to each other in french for Ms. Katy and english to me. "Megan, she is the head and owner of Chic design Enterprises." Eli continued "Pleased to meet you, Ms. Megan" Ms. Katy said in french so Eli has to translate it. Eli said goodbye in french and off we go. "Is there someone else you want us to meet?" I asked. "Why who did you meet?" Clary asked. "The owner of this place."i answered. "How did it go?" "Fine." I replied. "No, not yet now. But tomorrow, you will meet all the contestants. I'll explain further later. Let's go to a café." She answered my question. "There! The perfect one. 'French Coffee' let's go there." As we went in, I instantly smelled the coffee and beans. It was a pleasant odor. Something that will make you sleep and wake. Eli ordered cold cappuccino for all of us. She said it was the bestseller. In fact, it really taste good. "So, as I said. Tomorrow you' ll meet all the other contestants. You will have to prepare for it. It will be in front of all the judge. You will show what your style is. We will have to shop for new clothes. But of course, with the extra budget money Ms. Katy gave." She said. "There's more money?!" I asked "I mean, rather than the one you gave?" "Yes. Only for shopping. But the money we gave you earlier, that's for other expenses." She answered. "Oh." I said "Can we help shop?" Venice and Clary said in unison. "Ginks!" They said, giggling like little kids. "Sure. That's your job here. Like mine." Eli answered them. "Finish your coffee and let's go back to meet your stylist."


"Hurry up, girls!" Eli said. We went inside the Chic Design building and rode the lift up to the 5th floor. We went inside a room that says: DRESSING ROOM. There was a blond woman sitting there by a mirror doing her hair. She was thin, and wearing a simple white shirt, black skinny jeans and studded boots. When she saw Eli she suddenly exclaimed cheerfully something in french and hugged Eli. "Bonjour! Bonjour!" (means 'hi'or 'hello' in french) Eli said and then she introduces us. "Guys, this is Daisy Blanchard." She said cheerfully and introduced as to Daisy, while she (Daisy) was eyeing me head to toe, nodding. She said something to Eli, which of course, I don't understand so Eli translated it. "Daisy is coming with us to shop!" She informed me, and all of us went out the dressing room and into the shops.

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