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I am lost in life as one would be lost at sea.
The fog is thick so thick I can't see
My hands in front of my face
And unfortunately my vessel is moving at an alarming pace

I do not know where I am headed
I do not know how far to go
Before I crash into the rocks and sink
To the deep depths down below

Then you appear alittle dim at first
Then the closer I get to you the brighter your light shines like a
Beacon luring me away from the darkness

Little did i know thay your siren call
Your "light" as I once saw it would
Cause me so much pain and anguish
But never would I change the time we spent

You don't know just how much you really ment to me
You helped shape the person that i turned out to be
You gave me a mimd of my own you lit the way in a cavern of darkness

But now I know i was just an experiment
Not even an experience not close to you
What you still are to me

My Little Book of ThoughtsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ