The Eve of the First Century

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Before of the First Century ever started, humankind barely began to become civilizations instead of surviving on their own and working together as community. Among those civilizations was a forgotten race of innovative workers that think as well as they can imagine, they will be dubbed the Forgotten Age. The people keep to themselves from other civilizations and religions as they wish to progress further into the future, already planning on early modernization until they judge them being cooperative to evolve themselves. The way they think is considered strange and unappealing to others at the time, but it gave way to the modern age of the present as you read. Among their creations are perpetual motion devices that generate energy, clockwork carriages, and machines of great constructive power. But their greatest creation is an enormous device that reads time, initially the first clock ever made which became the literal foundation of their city.

It is said that the Forgotten Age discovered a way to forge and purify metal within a short while of two years, providing the means of establishing the road of progress, a road to the future. Since man already invented the wheel, those of the those of the Forgotten Age reinvented it and created the first gear cog, which triggered curiosity to strain them to creating structures and devices based on what they can imagine, what they created could have change the world for the best or it could change it from the inside out. They were never involved with any conflict of the sort, but if conflict comes to them, they simply ignore it and move on to something interesting and somethings worth their time.

As they grew further and further into the advanced civilization of legend, others soon catch wind of their progress and either grew jealous of afraid of them. One in particular was a vast civilization which established the first sovereignty that wishes only rule over territories, it was verified that they would become the Holy Roman Empire which would eventually become Europe. Aside from that, they kept an eye on the Forgotten Age until they began to smuggle some of their technology without notice. They could ignored the fact that they stole some of their devices, if it wasn't for the fact that what they stole was a war machine. This ignited a war that could've scathed the world along with half of humanity, a war that could have made sure the Holy Roman Empire didn't exist. Yet something happened to them where they them cease to exist.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2017 ⏰

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