Chapter 1

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I woke up with the sunlight streaming on my face. It was a beautiful spring day and I was on Spring vacations. That day was a very special day. My best friend and I we're going to a One Direction concert on Miami. It was going to be awesome! I've been a 1D fan for the beginning of their careers. I called Juan.

"Hey Juan! Are you excited for the concert??"

"Of course babe! I can't wait to see Liam! My husbando!!" She squealed with excitement. I had the biggest smile on my cherry looking lips. I couldn't wait to see Harry.

"So. Let's go to Starbucks?"

"I'm on my way babe."

I started getting ready. I opened up my mascara and started putting it on my awful sea green eyes. I was truly a monster. Everyone I knew told me I was pretty af, but I knew better. I was awful. They were all lying. I knew if I ever had the chance, Harry wouldn't date me. I put my strawberry blond locks on a messy bun, while I applied makeup. After that I opened my big closet. I wore a Levi's T-shirt, converse and high-waisted blue skinny jeans. I looked so fat. After that I went to Starbucks to meet up with my best friend.

If i get 10 votes ill update, my darlings  💝💝💝💝🐦


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