Chapter 1: Save

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 "Father," I said, looking around the forest. "Where art you Father?"

 I heard a rumble behind me.

 I turned and saw my father.

 "Yes, what is it?" he asked.

 I smiled. "You don't play the game right."

 "Hide and seek really isn't my thing," Father said. "It's more of a game for children. Why don't you play with the other Pokémon?"

 "Father, they're not going to understand me," I said. "They're too small anyway. I might find them and catch them in time."

 "What about the bigger ones then?"

 "I'm still bigger than them."

 Father laughed. "Then I suppose you want to play with Dialga or Palkia?"

 "No!" I shouted. "They're probably at each other's throats again."

 "That is just how things are," Father said. "That is how the order of time and space flows itself."

 "And what?" I snapped. "Giratina is just the opposite of us?"

 "You will understand when I soon pass and you will inherit the heir of being the next Pokémon ruler," Father said. "Even though I may live on for a hundred years, if I do indeed fade, you will be placed in charge."

I growled and flew up.

 "Flying won't get you anywhere," Father called. I ignored him and flew on.

 My father is Arceus, the creator of Pokémon. He came from an Egg. The Egg then created Dialga, the creator of time and Palkia,the creator of spaces. He then made Giratina, the creator of antimatter. The 3 Beings were also made: Azelf (Willpower), Uxie (Knowledge) and Mesprit (Emotion).

 After creating the beings, Arceus went to lay to rest but not for long. Arceus would go on to create himself a wife, Arcelavenusa, the being of Love. This resulted in the first born egg from two Pokémon: me.

 My mom died when Arceus failed to save her from the meteor. I don't really remember her but Arceus talked about her a lot. She must of been one very pretty Pokémon. She was like my father but her appearance was more of a unicorn.

 My appearance is...well....challenging. I'm like my father but I've got some features from my mom. I've got her unicorn horn. I also have luminous pink eyes and a bright blue nose. Plus, my mom had feathered wings so I received two small light blue wings from her (though they're more cyan).

 I have another problem too. I wasn't born perfect like my mother and father. I was born with a heart condition. It's not really a big of a deal but my father thinks it is. I would cough when I feel like I can't breath and that can cause my to have heart go rapid but it wasn't like I could then calm down and let it slide. No, it would just keep on going and going, causing me to hyperventilate and then pass out.

 My mother use to give me berries to calm me down when I did that. Now that she is gone, there's not enough berries to feed me and my father is determined to find another cure.

 He's asking these group of scientists to see what they could do for me. Yes, even though he is my father and he is the creator of Pokémon, there are some things that he can't do that can alter my health. It was just like that when I was born.

 I suppose Father could of used the Jewel of Life but the Jewel of Life was given to Michina and I felt that it would be selfish if it was used on me.

 Father promised the scientists that he would greatly reward them if they could save me.

 I don't really think it's an issue. I just pass out. It's not anything major so far.

 I walked around the forest. Two Pokémon poked their heads out. It was Rattatas. They were so cute.

 "Here come," I said, lending out a hoof.

 The Rattatas scurried off.

 "Hey, wait for me," I said, running after them. I then lowered my speed a little, knowing that the heart condition would happen again.

 The Rattatas hurried off, their tiny paws skipping the ground.

 "I just want to play," I said, pacing more. My speed began to rise but I then lowered it down more.

 The Rattatas ran farther.

 "Stop," I said. I rushed after them. My heart raced, the veins in my body exploding and my head pounding like crazy. I gasped and then passed out, my heart running a hundred miles still.





 I attempted to open my eyes but it was hard.

 "Arcquela, listen to me. Open your eyes."

 I really did wanted to open them but I would only spy a peek at my father's head and then shut them.

 "Arceus, her heart is going out of control," I heard a voice said. "This isn't good. How many times has she had these?"

 "Depends," my father said. "She really doesn't run. I mean, I would say maybe 2 or more at the most."

 "I'm afraid this would really did a blow on her. This condition is nearly fatal."

 "You mean...she can really die?"

 "Yes. It's not like fainting or anything of the like. She will be gone if we don't save her now."

 "You must do something! Please! I can't afford to lose her."

 "There is one way..."

 "Tell me."

 "We'll have to transform her into a human."

 What? Turn me into human? A full human? No! I didn't want to lose my Pokémon self. Father...

 "What will happen to her Pokémon self? Will she become full human?"

 "Negative. Not full but part. As human, she could have a chance of controlling her heart. It seems that her Pokémon form isn't doing good with it. I'm sorry, Arceus, it's the only way we can figure out."

 "I understand..."

 No! Father, don't let them do this to me! I can't become human! I'll be hideous! A rotten to my kind!

 "I give you my consent to turn my daughter."


 I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. I then fell fast into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2014 ⏰

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