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Magica Madoka is an anime series about two girls, Madoka and Sayaka, who meet an adorable creature named Kyubey, who requests them to be "Magical Girls" if they sign a contract. However not everything is as exciting and cute as it seems.

Kyubey turns out to trick them and put their soul in to their gem, which means when that gem gets old, they become witches. However as cruel as that sounds, I have some points that will make you see him as slightly less evil.

For starters Kyubey is an Incubator, which is a cat-like alien, which usually has and shows no emotions what so ever. If they do, in Kyubey's culture it is said that they are 'mentally ill'. Therefore Kyubey can't feel any emotion when he gets close to the girls or when they are upset with him. He does not understand why they feel emotion either, so therefore he cannot really empathize with them very well. He will come across as cold, because of how his culture is, not because he is out to get the girls and treat them wrongly. Kyubey states that "In our culture, the phenomena known as emotion is a mental disorder."

Kyubey is just doing his job. They discovered that teenage girls are the most useful when it comes to the Magical girl-witch chain and they are therefore who are targetted.

However Kyubey was not so cruel as to take away their souls instantly. He gave them wishes. He could have easily just taken their souls without permission, but he made sure to have it first and if they did offered a wish in return. True, he did trick them, but chances were he didn't understand the harm so much in doing so.

He also believe he could see something different about Madoka despite her feeling useless and raised her confidence more, instead of forcing her in to anything. And when Homura kills him and he comes back, he does not attack Homura in any way. He seems to see it more as a game than anything, where he could really just take her soul overall if he was that mad.

In conclusion, I can understand why one would believe that Kyubey was evil, as he really could have told the truth instead of distracting them with the Contract. On the other hand, he probably knew that they would react negatively and therefore didn't want to take the risk. He knew that they most likely would not find out until the end, but that wasn't the case for Sayaka and Madoka who soon figured out that they had been fooled. However Kyubey did come back to try and explain what happened and how he was confused over their frustration over it. In the end, after Madoka's wish, he seemed to respect the Magical Girls (at least we see him respecting Homura) and sitting on her shoulder, whilst she goes to fight. He also curses the witches. I strongly believe Kyubey was only trying to help the universe and do his job, never really meaning any harm to anybody.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2017 ⏰

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