Ultimate Darkness

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  Ultimate Darkness
he was 
the light
but something
had change
A slip 
of the darkness
enter him
there isn't 
any darkness
in him
that day 
to be the master
light was push
out of him
A voice
so cold
and dark
broke the spell
light spell
darkness was
awaken in 
it trap him
horror feeling
fear of not
taking control
this is just
no it's something
A nobody 
another him
full of darkness
it was 
too late
stop this
Now his light
gone for good
friends he 
were apart 
but the bonds
were still there 
someone will
save them
out of this 
he is the darkness
of him
The darkness of 
hidden darkness
gather in him
this is dangerous
his darkness
is harm 
it's too strong
since it awaken
this is 
Ultimate Darkness  

The Art Of Xemnas Belongs to MarthiaArkoniel from deviant art. 

Link to the artwork of Xemnas by MarthiaArkoniel http://mathiaarkoniel.deviantart.com/art/Kh-Xemnas-Remake-280602729 

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