Chapter 2 : Your Ex is Always Your Villian.

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It had a week since Xavier first met Eric, and they still haven't got comfortable with one another. Well, that's how Xavier felt at least. Some times, during passing periods, Xavier would see Eric and they would talk to each other. Of course Eric was the one to start their conversations since Xavier didn't have much to say. But Xavier did have to admit, Eric did make good company. But Eric's cursing was something Xavier really could go without.

Xavier sighed, it had been another test in some class so he had to go without his daily nap, again. This made Xavier irritated, very easily. Xavier made his way to his English class, and Eric met up with him. "Hey Xavier, how's it going?" Xavier just waved his hand a little to signal that he was fine and it was going OK. "Uh, cool. So uh, me and my friends are gonna be hangin' after school at the skatin' ring. Wanna join us?" Xavier took a moment to think, and nodded his head. "Sure, why not? Nothin' better to do, I guess." Xavier waved bye to Eric and walked into his class.

And to make Xaviers new born head ache worse, his ex boyfriend spotted him and Eric talking. Josh leaned into Xaviers air bubble, "So... Was that your new lover boy?" Xavier could feel the blood from his head rush to his forehead. The almost drum pounding pains made Xavier hold his head in his hands. "No, Josh. He's not."  Xaviers tone was dark and husky. Anyone else would leave it at that since everyone could hear the irritation in Xaviers voice. But Josh was one of those people who just don't quite get those sort of hints. So he push on, and asked who he was talking to. "He's just a friend. If you really wanna meet Eric, you can do it yourself." "Righty-O, I will, haven't had a nice little fuck in a while." "Yea, what ever."

Class was finally over, there wasn't much class work to do so Xavier had plenty of time to relax and take a short ten minute nap. Josh had Xavier in his next class so Josh was tagging a long side Xavier. "So that small cute blonde isn't yours then? So he's fair game?" Xavier shot Josh a dark look but sighed and said, "Yea', he is. Why do you want him so badly? It's not like I'm tryin' to stoppin' you or nothin'." Xavier said with a defeated tone of voice. "Yea', well, I just wanna see you get jealous for this cute blonde, that's all." Josh said with a slight shrug in his shoulders and a devilish smirk placed on his lips. Xavier always did wonder why he even dated Josh in the first place. Sure, Josh had pretty blue eyes (but so did Eric), and sure, Josh had nice shaddy brown hair, and always wore the hottest fashions (but so did Eric).

Then, like most things. Xavier finally figured it out, he was jealous. And maybe he had a small crush on Eric, he was the sort to fall in love easily. But of course, he wasn't going to let Josh know of his feelings. It'd be a cold day in hell when he'd let Josh win, or have something he could use against him. Xavier just let things go its course, if Eric and Josh went out, he would accept it. But he wouldn't let Josh keep Eric, cause everyone knows you shouldn't mess with a gay mans crush. Josh went on rambling about how he and Eric should be together but Xavier tuned him out. And to make the parade even more fun for Xavier, Eric walked up to the two. Xavier saw how easily Josh and Eric clicked, so he guessed that in a few weeks tops, they'd be going out. Those thoughts really piss Xavier off but he's become really good at hiding his feelings.

Eric kept glancing at Xavier and made sure he was listening to the conversation he was having with Josh. But he knew Xavier was tuning them both out. "Hey, so I gotta go, but, uh, see you two later. Bye Xavier, and uh,.." "Josh." Josh said with a polite smile, which was surprisingly, a true smile and not a fake one, or an evil smirk. "Bye Josh." Eric raced down the halls and waved to the both of them Josh turned his smile into a smirk, "Nice kid. Hes probably never fucked a guy before but I can always change that." Josh nudged Xavier with his elbow. "Huh, huh, right. Am I right or what?" Josh said with a teasing tone and his smirk growing wider. He was purposely saying these things to make Xavier angry and jealous. Which was working, but Xavier knew better than to tell Josh anything. Xavier thought that once Josh left Xavier, he wouldn't have to deal with him. But every night he still texts him, and chats him up during classes.

"So, you seriously don't care if I fuck your little friend?" Josh said, with a lose of interest at the lack of response he was getting from Xavier. "Why should i? I did only just meet him about a week ago." Xavier said with a shrug and kept his eyes away from Josh. "Sure, sure. Fine, but once you become interested in him, I might just want him for myself." Josh said with a wide smirk. Xavier noted this threat and remained silent, his only response to that question was a small shrug and nod mixture.

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