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"Allidia! I never said I wanted to go, you're such a faker!" I laughed out, struggling to contain the weird noises I tend to call a laugh.

"Am not! You have to come, you don't have a choice. Dad wants you to come over more often" Allidia smiled kindly, pulling the strap of her bag up onto her shoulder.

"Your dad worries about me way too much, i'm fine by myself" I smiled, hoping it would show as some honesty. I was fine. I had been living by myself for two years now.

Mr. C has been asking me if I wanted to come live with them, Allidia's father. I grew up with Allidia and considered her father my own. But I wanted to do this, I wanted to prove to myself I would be ok.

I can cook, but some nights it's easier to just order pizza when I get home from work late.

I know how to take care of myself, I keep a roof over my head and my stomach full. Isn't that enough?

"Ok, Ok. But think about it, if not living with us, visit us" Allidia smiled softly before heading out the back door of my house.

"Bye~" I chuckled, closing the door behind her. Leaving me in my quiet house, alone. I liked it that way, you can call me weird, but isn't there one place you can always trust to calm you down?

"Now what to do..." I could say I had tons to do, but none of those things were entertaining. Unless bill sorting is somehow fond to you, go ahead. I won't judge you in the slightest.

I decided to read a book, I hadn't touched it in so long dust was beginning to gather on it...ok, maybe not really. But time can surely take its toll on things.

I reached for a glass case, it held a bunch of pictures of my mother. I missed her, I don't know why I was doing this to myself. Every time I see these photos I have a melt down.

It took a minute though, for the saddness to really hit me. I was nothing without my mom, my stone. I couldn't take anymore so I shoved the glass container back into the top cupboard and let out a long sigh, wiping the streaking tears fron my face.

I remember the day she told me she was sick, trying so hard to explain it to a five year old in the least deppressing way. She had succeeded, for a few years I was content and happy with her being around me. But when her treatments started, everything changed. Like everything happy in my life had grabbed their bags and walked out the door.

I remember auntie Linda taking me to live at her house for a few months, and I remember the very few times I got to see my mother while she was going through treatment.

But she was getting worse.
And everything changed the day she died.

I remember when I was told my mother had passed away, and I had to attend her funeral and say a few words. I was 14 at the time, but I still struggled to cope with losing her.

I was brought to an ubrupt stop of thought when I heard a knock on the door behind me. It was around eight o'clock, who would be at my house at this hour?

Oh yeah, I ordered pizza. Not a big surprise.

I reached for my wallet on the table and opened the door, in front of me stood a tall man, messy black hair, tan skin, and peircing blue eyes.

A pizza boy this hot? Hot damn.

"Here you go, $9.20" He smiled, gradually accepting the money I gave him. But before he gave me the pizza box, he scribbled something down on the top of it.

I waved him goodbye and closed the door, letting out a long and well deserved sigh of mixed feelings.

An annoying friend
A few minutes of silent agony
And a cute pizza boy

I wouldn't say my life is eventfull, but today certainly was.


Im back~ This chapter sucked, I know. But it was suppose to tell backstory, what happened to Dawny that broke her.

But just to say, Dawny's mother is not the person she will lose.

Just keep watch--- I mean reading XD

- Allyin

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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