Prologue: The Arrival

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The high pitch of the Green Spring city's sirens started to hurt Connell's ears, it mixed with the sirens of the impressive emergency vehicles swarming the city and with the sounds of helicopters' blades slashing the air.

Connell and his best friends Jacob and Alex along with the rest of their classmates took shelter under the desks that were placed against the inner wall of the class.

It has been eight hours since the European Space Agency spotted the group of unrecognized colossal space objects and three hours since NASA stated that the objects have distinct shapes and that they changed they speeds, basically NASA confirmed that the three over 100 kilometers (60 miles) long objects and the many much smaller objects are space vessels and one thing is for sure Earth is not their origin.

But the oddest thing about the situation was that the only vessel that approached Earth was hovering for the last 20 minutes above Green Spring, a city with a little more than 50,000 citizens located 35 miles from London and 20 miles from Cambridge. The one six hundred meters long space vessel was grey and black and was at list thirty stories tall.

The students of Unity Green High School were ordered to stay in classes and await evacuation. Mr. Jackson, a history and the class's homeroom teacher was crouching under the door's lintel, talking with the over teachers and deputies trying to get any piece of established information.

In all of the mess no one seemed to notice the dozen men in matching grey pants and black shirts shades who arrived in a convoy of black off road vehicles. Half of the men took positions around the big square grassy yard between the high school's buildings. The other half spread in couples through the school.

Although Connell, his brother, his sister, Jacob and Alex took cover in their classes they were just acting along, they knew why the foreign object or space ship was hovering above their city and they knew that the "foreigners" won't hurt anyone. Unless they'll be under threat, it doesn't matter if the threat is directed at the foreigners or the teens.


A year earlier:

"Connell wake the bloody hell up" was the first thing I heard on first day of my Junior year. The furious voice shouting is owned by my adopting family middle child, Ashley. A lovely girl, really, although she is younger than me and only an eighth grader she really does understand me in contradiction to her mother who was still loving but way to over protective of us.

To be fair I gave her a really good reason to shout, I was supposed to set the alarm clock, a thing that I forgot existed and now after we finished getting ready we have 15 minutes to get to school, very problematic considering that the school is 45 minutes away in walking time and getting a ride will be close to impossible since my adopting parents took the car, our mom took dad to his base.

"I can't believe I'm going to be late for the first day of school!" my other sister Jessamine called from the second floor of the old yet warm cottage.

"Any of your friends can pick us up Alfie?" I called towards Alfred, our oldest brother and o his senior year of high school.

"Max is coming but well we will need to kid of sit in the back of his filthy truck, I swear if I'll get oil stains on my clothes on the first day of senior year I'm going to fucking kill you" Alfred shouted from his room still getting ready.

5 minutes later me, 18 years old Alfred, 14 years old Ashley, and 11 years old Jessamine stood outside the house all three of them kept scolding me for my irresponsibility.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2017 ⏰

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