Part Eleven

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Finnick's POV-

"Who the hell do you think that is?" I sighed as I moved Finny off my lap and handed him back to Annie.

"I don't know. Just answer it and see who it is." Annie smiled gently.

"Then I'll tell them to go away and leave us alone. We're just trying to be a family here." I laughed, opening the door and seeing Gale stood there; he didn't look like he wanted to be here, so I assumed he must have been sent here. "What do you want Gale?" 

"Katniss sent me." he shrugged as he walked into the house like he owned it and he actually lived here, something which did so often when he decided he was going to pop round to see us or just when Katniss sent him to tell us something.

"Why?" Annie asked happily.

"She wanted me to tell that Peeta was-"

"Wait? Peeta?" I interrupted Gale before he could say what he needed to say because that name just annoyed me.

He left Katniss for five months and didn't even bother coming to see her in that time.

He was the one that told Katniss she needed to end the life of their child because he didn't want to give up his business.

He was the reason that Katniss spent so many nights, crying herself to sleep when she thought no one could hear her hurt and her pain.

What the hell was he doing back here, and what the hell did he even want?

"Yes, Finnick, Peeta. Katniss wanted me to tell you that he was here and he wants to meet your son." Gale replied.

"Shame I don't want him to meet my son really." I stated coldly, earning me a disapproving look from my wife in the middle of the room.

"You don't want to upset Katniss, do you?" Gale questioned with a serious look on his face.

"I don't care if I upset Katniss. Peeta is a complete waste of space who should-"

"Finnick. Calm down." Annie soothed with a slight smile, as she rocked Finny to sleep in her arms; she was the perfect mother and I'm sure Katniss was going to be an amazing mother as well.

"Sorry. I just. It's Peeta, he really gets to me after the way he treated Katniss." I sighed.

"Look, all you need to do is spend half hour in the same room as him. Just do it for Katniss. Please?" Gale replied calmly, and I suppose he was right.

I couldn't let Katniss down, just because I didn't like her husband and because I was of the opinion that she should have left him permanently when she had the chance to do so.

"Fine. An hour. That's all I'm going to do. OK?" I stated.

"Thank you Finnick. Katniss will really appreciate it." Gale smiled kindly in my direction and even Annie looked happy that I had agreed to it because she loved spending time with Katniss, telling her everything which was yet to come for her.

Annie was even there for her the first time that the baby kicked and she told me how it reminded her of the first time Finny kicked when she was pregnant with him; she was so happy to have been able to be there for the moment.

 "We know she will." Annie spoke for me.

"You know, she's talking about moving to District Four permanently." Gale said.

"Do you think she will?" I questioned.

"Probably not. I mean, District Twelve is always going to be her home. It's going to be where both her best, and her worst, memories are kept. It's always going to be the place that she feels really happy. Basically, the one place she can still feel close to her father and not have to worry about missing him." Gale sighed.

"It would be nice to think she's always going to be round here, but you're right. This was never going to be her real home and she was never going to be as happy here as she would be back in Twelve." I replied, knowing everything he had said was right.

It would be nice to think I could just pay her a visit whenever I wanted to and I could spend time with her whenever I needed a friend, but that was never going to happen.

Even if her and Peeta didn't sort things with each other, then deep down, I already knew she was never going to stay round here and she was always going to end up back at home; the only place where he heart really was.

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