The new era

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The new era has brought upon many changes. Peace has finally reached the wizarding world and brought much joy and happiness with it. The threat the the dark lord posed was now only words on pages and so are the many achievements of other wizards from that time. The wizarding word has united and kids can now choose to enroll in a school in another country, and can also, under very rare circumstances, enroll before the age of eleven.
The wizarding world now lived almost together with the muggle world. The 'secret' wasn't really out, but many muggles suspected and the magic schools also started teaching muggle subjects, though many wizarding family's disagreed with the decision.
But something that hadn't changed very much. Was the very famous and popular Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Though they had of course renovated and even made The school building bigger because of the sudden increase in students, not much else had changed. There were still the four houses and the same sorting hat that chose houses for you. The same subjects had to be taught with the addition of a few by the ministry of magic. The new subjects were: Muggle Studies, (Required until year 6)
Mathematics, (Separate From Muggle Studies) Dueling, Hand to hand combat, (Could also be with weapons) foreign languages, Occlumency, (From second year) and Legilimency, (From third year)
The muggle word had also had a lot of changes over the years, with everything from newer technology to the speculations about magic and wizards. The new were, as they had been for almost two years now, always filled with talk about wizards and speculating around the wizarding world.
Hogwarts, the school with now over 4000 students and approximately 500 more starting first year, was not only hugely know in the UK but also around the whole wizarding world. The school was now only awaiting their probably most eventful eight years in a Millenium...


A/N: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, or rather the introduction to my new story!
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2017 ⏰

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