Who Has Her?

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Didyme's screams filled the small, pink room. A woman was rocking her.

"Hush, little Didyme, don't say a word. You're going to be my little ward and if your daddy doesn't love me, I'm going to make sure that you don't breath."

Didyme kept screaming, trying to push away from the blonde who was not Christine. She put her in the crib and turned off the lights.

"Good night, Sweetheart," she said, blowing a kiss to the little girl. "I'm going to be your new mommy."

She left the room and turned on the baby monitor. A knock was on the door and she opened it.

"Are you Ella McBride?" Asked the UPS man.

"Yep! Is that the nursery stuff I ordered?"


Mac was at the precinct with Sid, listening to the autopsy reports on the toddlers.

"Mac, the first thre were all shaken to death, shaken baby syndrome, but, the rest, well..."

"Just tell me," Mac shouted, getting irritated.

He just wanted to find Didyme.

"All of their wrists were slit. They bled out slowly, Mac. At the least, it took them about seven hours to bleed out."

Mac froze, "I'm going to be sick. I can't bare to think about this happening to Didyme."

Sid put a hand on his boss' shoulder, "I know, Mac. I know how you feel. If this was happening to one of my girls..."

"Your girls are old enough to protect themselves. Mine is six. She heard me tell Christine that I wished that she was never born," Mac said, rubbing his face with one hand. "I'm a horrible father, Sid. It's all my fault"

"No, it's not..."

Jo ran into the room, papers in her hands, "Mac, I found a match in DNA that was on Didyme's coat that was discarded in the hall floor."

He snatched the papers from Jo's hands and looked down at them, horror filling her face, "Ella..."


The monitor filled the room with Didyme calling for Mac. Ella walked into the room and picked up Mac's daughter.

"He's not coming, Baby. Don't you remember?" Ella asked, kissing the girl's head.

"Remember what?"

"He never wanted you..."

Didyme looked at Ella, "Daddy loves me."

"No," Ella said. "No, he doesn't."

She looked at the locket around Didyme's neck, opening it.

"That whore!" Ella shrieked, ripping the gold necklace from Didyme's throat.


"Who is Ella?" Christine asked Mac as he was bustling around his office.

"I met her a while ago. She obsessed over me. She stalked me. She even slit her wrists to get my attention..."

"You've got to be kidding me. That's nuts. Who in their right mind would do-"

"She did it. She took Didyme. She killed all of those kids to get my attention," Mac stopped and sat down. "Ella is going to kill my daughter unless I do something for her, unless I show her that I love her."

Ella looked at him, "You don't though, right?"

"Of coarse not."

"I didn't think so, but I had to ask."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2014 ⏰

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