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Amber's POV

An entire month went by since Jungkook jumped. The guys and I have been getting him out more and trying to make him happy. He's gotten better slowly, but he's making great progress. I on the other hand have become closer with all of them again, and I couldn't be happier.

It was morning finally as I yawned waking up. I got up to go bug Jungkook or Taehyung, but they were gone. No one was home?

But then I heard music coming from the dance practice room downstairs. So I made myself some tea and went down in just my boy shorts and T-shirt not caring who it was.

Well shit, Jimin dances better than I can and I'm majoring in it. Wait a second, am I admiring Jimin? Well, he is hot as hell but I don't feel love or like towards him that way. Oh, I get it. Clearly this was just about how sexy he looked, it made me bite my lip so calm down. Aish, he's sweating and he looked so- NO AMBER!

The music stopped, “oh hey Amber, what brings you here?” Jimin asked me.

His voice startled me. “O-oh, mianhae. I didn't mean to stop your practice, no ones home so I just came to see where the music was coming from.” Stop staring at me, I know I don't like you that way but damn it, you make me feel so much lust.

“Ah it's okay you didn't interrupt me. I was just bored haha. Wanna dance? I can teach you a choreo if you want.” Jimin said showing his eye smile.

Aish, Amber calm your hormones. “Did you forget, Jiminie? I'm majoring in dance, I could school you.” WHERE DID THAT CONFIDENCE COME FROM?

He raised and eyebrow at me. “Oh really?” He licked his lips and walked towards me. “Show me then. Teach me.” He said as he stopped his face just inches away from me.

My heart skipped and my hormones were going crazy. “Well, heheh. I'm not in proper clothes or anything so maybe another time..”. Oh my lord, I couldn't help but look him

up and down. HIS BODY.. So I decided to give a quick smile and went to walk out.

Before I could reach the door he pulled my wrist and chuckled, “well then another time wouldn't be that bad. Amber, I'm not stupid I know you're going crazy right now for me. Well, see you later.” He said winking at me then letting go of my wrist and going back to dancing.

“Y-yah! I am not! You are just full of yourself, Park Jimin. I find others way more attractive than you.” Oh that was a lie, well I find Taehyung really attractive. I suddenly felt the urge to pull down my shirt to cover my legs.

“Sure whatever you say Amber, oh you might want to take care of your little problem down in your excited area.” He said looking down at me area and then a me winking.

“Aish, pervert! I'm just cold, you know what I'm going to dance with you to prove I'm perfectly fine around you.” I glared setting my tea down. Why the fuck did I say that?!

“Well then you're going to have to dance alone cause I will be honest and confess that I DO have a problem.” He said walking away. “Have fun, babe.”

For some reason I grabbed his wrist making him look at me. “Yah, you can't call me that. I'm not your babe and I don't have a problem.”

“But I do” he said looking down which made me also look down just to see the big bulge visible inside his baggy pants.

“How is that even possible? I didn't even do anything unlike you who's all sweaty and-” I covered my mouth realizing I just admitted I was attracted to him.

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