Chapter Two

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                                                                        CHAPTER TWO

"Aunt Linda! You and I need to have a really serious chat here!" said Kathy, firmly.  "Well? What about, Kat?" said Linda. "Why didn't you tell me you called Richard over here for? How many times do I have to tell you not to meddle in my affairs?!" said Kathy,sharply. "Now, Kat! I only done that just to protect you! I will not sit here and allow Chris to hurt you! I love you, Kat! I don't want anything to happen to you!" said Linda.  Kathy sighed. "Now Aunt Linda, Richard can visit and stay all he wants! But let me tell you something! Don't you try any of your matchmaking schemes! Because after I'm done with Chris, I'm done with dating!" said Kathy. And after that, Kathy leaves the TV room.  

Shortly, Kathy returns outside to continue working in her garden.  "Kathy, you wouldn't mind if help you out?" offered Richard.  "I wouldn't mind at all! Thank you!" said Kathy.  And so Richard helped her. "Kathy, you wouldn't mind if I call you 'Kat' do you?" asked Richard. "Richard, you can call me Kat. My Aunt Linda calls me Kat!" said Kathy. "Hey you two! Supper is ready!!" called out Linda. "Soups on!" said Kathy.  And so, both Richard and Linda went inside, and they joined Linda at the dining room table for supper.  "So tell me, Richard! Is there anything else you do besides acting?" asked Linda. "Well, I'm a musican too. I play a variety of instruments, and I sing as well!" said Richard. "Oh I like to hear you sing! We have a piano in the parlor!" said Kathy. "I don't know.  I don't think you want to hear me sing!" said Richard.

"Please?!" pleaded Kathy and Linda together. "Oh alright!" said Richard.  And so the three of them headed into the parlor room, where a beautiful grand piano stood, and Richard sat down at the piano, and he started playing.  After playing instrumentally for a little while,  Richard started to sing, his velvety baritone vibrating throughout the room.  As for Kathy, her heart began to race, and she couldn't believe he had such a beautiful singing voice, and how well he played piano.   Stop being such a buffoon, Kathy! Stick to what you've told Linda earlier! thought Kathy.  A few minutes later, Richard had finished his song.   "Wow! You're such a talented man! What a beautiful song, Richard!" beamed Linda.  "I wrote that song, several years ago." said Richard.

"Have you made an album?" asked Kathy. "No not really.  I've been so busy acting, I have no time to make music!" said Richard. "Oh Richard, you should at least try and make an album! You are very talented with music, and you have a beautiful voice!" said Kathy.  All of a sudden, they heard loud banging coming from the front door.  Suddenly, much to Kathy's dismay, they heard Chris yelling from outside the door. "KATHY!! Open this damn door! NOW!!" barked Chris. "DAMN IT!!" cried out Kathy, angrily. "Who is that?" asked Richard. "That's the horrible man I told you about Richard. He's been very horrible to my niece! You see, Kathy and Chris had been dating off and on for several years! But the day I met him, I never liked him! I tried to convince Kathy to end it with him, but she refuses to listen!" said Linda. "Aunt Linda!" said Kathy, sharply.

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