Chapter 1

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Olivia's P.O.V
I was surrounded by blackness and feel as if I've been drowned.  Always great right.
Click, Click, Click
Is literally all I've been hearing for what feels like forever. Then all of a sudden it stops, but I was kinda more concerned on if I'm about to throw up or pass out. Then I see this light. I started to hear serval voices coming from above me. I could barely keep my eyes open due to the fact I was being blinded but I could make out a average height guy with dirty blond hair. And then a darkness consumed me.

I could hear voices all around me. "What's wrong with her" or "Since when do they send girls here" "ENOUGH" a loud voice boomed over the crowed. He had a thick British accent. "We will have to wait until she wakes up." No matter what I did I still couldn't move. Then all of a sudden I shot up and everyone's attention turned to me.

I didn't know what to do so I got up and ran as fast as my legs could carry me. There were screams of "Wait" and "We got a runner" scattered through the crowd. But I didn't listen, I ran far. I got to what looked like a maze. And then it hit me. I was in the glade surrounded by Minho,Thomas,Chuck, and Newt. But why didn't they take my memory like everyone els? As I was was distracted in my thoughts I kept running because I knew how to get out. As I was about to enter the maze a strong pair of arms wrapped around me like I was some kinda of 10 pound doll. "Hold your horses I don't think you want to be a runner that badly" British guy said "You don't understand I know how to get out let go of me!!" I basically yelled. *Sighs* "Your just saying that to leave we've seen it before. Come on Greenie we got work to do" Then I fall into darkness once again.

Hope you guys enjoyed my first chapter there will be more to come and longer chapters hopefully😂 Please continue to read because I will get better
-Thanks, Sara

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