The lesbian threesome

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Just like every other day it was a beautiful outside. I was running around chasing Chloe. Veronica was close behind. We were playing our usual game of tag you're it. I was so young and so naïve. Little did I know what it would become.

------eight years later------

"Veronica why do you always end up with the good boyfriends?" I asked. Veronica is always the one who gets the cute guy that everybody else wants to date. "I don't know. Maybe I just am a magnet to the the good ones..." She just shrugged her shoulders dismissing the topic.


"I'm gonna get it!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs... "No Shelby this is MY house!!!" Veronica screamed at me. Even louder than I did. We both ran down the stairs to the red front door. Veronica had just beat me to it. She opened the door as far as it could go before screaming so loud I thought my ears popped.

It was Chloe. She looked amazing. She lost some weight since the last time I saw her but she was still gorgeous. Long black curly hair. Beautiful blue eyes. No acne. (Which was a wonder at our wonderful age of 16) She had the perfect body. D cup boobs... Nice butt... Wait what? What am I saying?! Why am I staring at her boobs? That's so weird. Even Chloe noticed my odd behavior. "Shelby. Hey. Eyes up here honey." She was pointing to her eyes as she said this. "Sorry I zoned out." I lied. I was really intentionally staring at her boobs.

"Come on. Let's order pizza." Veronica said. We all walked toward the kitchen where the home phone was. We didn't even need to pull out the menu. We all got the same thing every time for the past six years. "Hi. Order for delivery." Veronica sounded so mature and sweet at the same time. "Three medium pizzas please. One Hawaiian, one pepperoni, and one with sausage, black olives, and extra cheese.. Ok thank you... All done. Just gotta kick back and wait for twenty minutes." She sounded so calm. "You know what we should do?" I asked. When I got skeptical looks in return I thought I should elaborate my thoughts. "Truth or dare."

"I'm in!" Chloe said immediately. "Okay I guess. " Veronica agreed as well. "Great. I will get a bottle!!" Chloe cut me off before I could grab one. "Hold on. I thought you said truth or dare. Not spin the bottle?" She said quizzically. "Oh well just in case then." I replied. Somewhat sarcastically.

I ran up to the guest room. There was a bunk bed set up and a sleeping bag. Me and Chloe stayed over at Veronica's house so much that her parents bought a bigger house with a guest room for us to stay in. Veronica's parents are rich enough they may as well just bought us our own house. Soon Chloe and Veronica caught up with me. We all sat in the floor crisscross applesauce just like we had everyday in pre-k.

Right then and there it hit me. I never fully realized how HOT Veronica was. She to had a nice body. She had medium length brown hair.. It fell beautifully upon her shoulders. She was a little bit taller than I was. She had good size boobs and kind of small butt. I don't know why I keep looking at my friends butts and boobs. What's up with me today?

We tossed the dice. I had the highest number so I went first. Let's just say I never like going first. But ironically I was saved by the door bell...

This time I didn't jump up to get it. I let Chloe handle it. Instead I stayed in the room and thought about what I wanted to do... Should I dare or truth one of them? Chloe or Veronica? I chose dare for Chloe. ( in our version we chose what the other player got)... Chloe came running In the room with a pizza and two 2-liters. Ones a sprite and the other dr pepper. My two favorite sodas. They knew me so well.. Veronica came in with the other two pizzas handing me my pepperoni. I was a plain jane when it came to food.

"Ok Shelby you start!" Chloe said almost to enthusiastically. "Ok Chloe. This ones for you. And it's a dare." I know she hates dares but oh well... "I dare you to kiss Veronica." The shocked looks told me everything. Neither one of them wanted this. But oh well. They agreed to truth or dare. "Um.... I don't know Shelby" Chloe said shyly. Veronica got the biggest smile on her face. "Let's do it! We never do anything crazy! Let's try being crazy for once in our lives!!!" "Are you sure?" Chloe asked softly. "Of course I am!!!!" Veronica was always the one that agreed to do things like this.

Chloe leaned in for the kiss. Their lips crashed against each other in beautiful passion. I was shocked when the kissing continued. Veronica put her hand behind Chloe's head. Chloe did the same to Veronica. Then I saw some tongue action. My jaw dropped.

Chloe's p.o.v.
I was leaning into her lips. They looked so indescribably beautiful. In a way I couldn't wait for our lips to meet... It felt like ages had passed but our lips finally connected. She kissed me back with such a passion. I never felt like this before. This kiss just felt so right. I opened my mouth for her tongue to enter. And it did. I rubbed her tongue against mine. So many sensations rippled through my body. I moved my hand the the back of her head. I never wanted to stop kissing her. I had to breathe though. I pulled back from the kiss and we were both panting. I looked at Shelby and her jaw was nearly touching the floor.

"I think that fulfilled the dare" I said with such a proud smile across my face. "I do too" Veronica chimed in.

Shelby's p.o.v.
I was stunned. Never had I seen my two best friends that away in the 13 years I knew them. It was crazy.

Chloe's p.o.v.
"Okay then... I dare Shelby to...... Make out with whoever the bottle lands on...." Chloe said boldly. Referencing the bottle I brought upstairs with me. I'm really regretting that now. "Okay I will!" I gladly accepted her challenge. I took the glass sprite bottle and spun it. When it stopped I drew a line straight up from the top. It landed on Chloe. I chuckled. Audibly I guess. "Well come on over Shelby."

She laid down flat on the floor and started lifting up her shirt. That for some reason turned me on. I crawled over to her and sat on her belly. I bent down to kiss her. I closed my eyes when I saw hers where shut. I tilted my head ever so slightly. Our lips touched. I put my hands on her neck. She wrapped her legs around me and put her hands on the back of my head almost on my neck. She opened her mouth as to tell me to put my tongue in. We moved our tongues together. She started moving her hips. I knew she wanted more. I frankly wanted more as well. I pulled away from the kiss to take off my shirt. She followed my lead and took off hers. She had the prettiest Victoria Secret bra on. Red with black lace. Holy crap she was hot. I put my hands on her breasts and leaned in for the kiss once more. I started rubbing my hands on her breasts.. They were so nice. We put our tongues in each other's mouth once more. I felt her tugging at my shorts. I pulled them off while still kissing Chloe. I realized how wet my underwear was. She put her hand in my underwear and was rubbing my clit. It felt so good. I pulled from the kiss to breathe and take in the sensations. I un clasped her bra and took in the beauty that was her boobs. I started licking and sucking them. I gave her a hickie right next to her nipple. She moaned in response. She took off my panties. I on exchange took off her shorts. I slipped my hand into her panties and rubbed her vagina and clit. Once again she moaned but this time she moaned my name.

I suddenly heard someone clearing their throat. Holy crap. I forgot!! Veronica is in the room!!!

Veronica's p.o.v.
I was shocked. I never thought this would be the result of a dare. I know I'm always up for kissing dares but this is a COMPLETELY different level. I never thought they were like this. I can only imagine what would have happened had I not made that noise. That was so awkward for me. It's like I was invisible. What happened with them? Why did they not recognize I was still there? Was is just the heat of the moment?

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