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It was the last year of high school and I was more then excited. My old boyfriend Bo- Geyong and I were just friends now but very close. Dylan still stayed around even after the guys had gone. She said she wasn't going fo abandon the good one, she said we had to stick together.

I still had my purple hair which was more of a Violet now. A car horn blared outside and I ran downstairs quickly. My mom was sitting at the kitchen counter and said "honey, can we talk for a second?" I nodded and sat down .

"Have you been trying to make up to the boys?" I groaned. "Mom, you know I don't talk to them at all anymore! And I'm not going to either, and I'm not going to apologize for doing nothing wrong" I stood up and walked outside.

I didn't like to get upset with my.mom but I didn't like her bringing up my ex-best friends either. Dylan waved as I jumped in her car. Her blond hair flicked over her shoulder when she turned to look at me.

We drove to school and got out in time to see Baekhyun and Kai get off the bus. I ignored them and jumped at Bo- Geyong. He caught me and I smiled at him. "C'mon!" he followed me, wrapping his arm over.my shoulders.

We walked up to Dylan and smiled. "Lets go" we walked into the school and a lot of people said hi and waved or smiled. We knew a lot of people and they knew us, but we stuck to this group. Because we were.more then friends, we were family. Bo pecked my cheek and walked to his locker while me and Dylan dug through ours.

"Are you ever gonna out grow the flower crown?" she asked chuckling. I shook my head "nope, but I do wear beanies now!" she laughed and went through her locker again.

I just closed mine and leaned against it waiting for her. Dylan closed hed locker and said "oh look, were here just in time for cliche walk down the hall thing." I rolled my eyes and giggled.

Everyday, the guys would walk down the hall with Mari and her four friends all dramatic and stuff like they own the place occasionally Dylan would stick her foot out to trip one.of them and then we.would run down the hall.

I grabbed her hand and tugged her but she smirked, opening her bag and pulling out what looked like cooking oil. She quickly uncapped it and splashed it on the floor when no one was paying attention.

I gawked and watched her put it away. We waited for them to walk down the hall. I leaned against my locker.and plugged in my earbuds to seem as though everything was normal.

"Im just a sucker for pain, I wanna chain you up, I wanna tie you down-" the sing cut off when 5 high pitch screams filled the air and my eyes darted to the floor yanking my ear buds out.

On the floor was Mari and her goons. I laughed quietly as they slipped and tried to stand up. Dylan grabbed my arm and yanked me, I followed after her darting to class only to catch the guys looking at me with anger and.....something else.

We got to class and sat down. Dylan looked at me and I looked back at her. We both blinked then burst into laugher. "Oh...my god....did you see....her face?" I said between laughter. Dylan was almost dead on her desk.

The door slammed open at the front of the classroom an we immediately stopped. In walked D.O. and Chanyeol. I rolled my eyes and looked at Dylan and winked. We made goofy face mimicking the girls in the hall way all day in every class together.

At lunch we told Bo what we had did and he laughed too. The loud clicking of heels made there way towards us and I sighed. Oh no.

I turned around to face Mari herself with two of her goons behind her. She had her hand on her hip and a ridiculous look on her face. I almost laughed. Almost

She glared down at us and said "I know it was you two that pulled that little stunt in the hallway and I'm gonna tell you this one time-" Dylan interrupted her and said "first of all, please close your damn mouth, you breath smell like dead fish" I chuckled and Bo snorted. "And second of all, I don't know how you figured that out, I thought all the brain cells in your head were gone from using so much nail polish remover" she frowned "too bad you can't use it on your face though." Mari looked like she was on the verge of tears. But Dylan wasn't done with her yet "so I'm only going to tell you once, take your barbie ass over back to your 'popular' table and keep your blow-job only mouth shut, ok?" she smiled then turned around and sat back down.

I had a hand over my mouth to hold back laughter. It's too bad Mari can't listen, because instead of walking away she grabbed a hand full of Dylan's hair and yanked it. We both jumped up from the table and started screaming at her.

I drew my fist pack and then threw it Mari's cheek. Her head snapped in the other direction as my fist fell down to my side. My knuckles hurt but it was worth it. "Fuck. Off" I hissed. She ran off crying with her goons following her out.

My face and I realized what I did. I looked around the cafeteria and then ran out the back door, Dylan running after me. "Vi! You can't do that! Your mom will think your back into boxing throwing fist like that!" I sighed.

Before moving to Korea when my dad died, he trained me, teaching me to box and fight. I was really good and I've been keeping up. I didn't actually plan to punch her. "Sorry, lets get back inside" we walked back i to the cafeteria.

People gave me shocked looks. "How can a girl that innocent throw a punch like that?" I heard someone whisper. "The her dad is probably in a gang" someone else said. I grabbed my back back pack and walked out linking arms with Dylan. We walked to our lockers to put our things away.

"Hey....I'm gonna take the blame for this one" Dylan said. I turned and gawked at her "you can't! I hit her and-" she cut me off by chuckling. "It's ok, you got a clean record, I've gotten more detention time then anyone in this school" I laughed. She was right. Before I could argue she saluted me with to fingers and was off down the hallway.

I shook my head and faced my locker switching out things. I looked down in my backpack and then my locker was slammed shut. I jumped looking up to 9 douches. "Hi! Bye!" I said spinning around and quickly trying to speed walk away. Instead Kai easily got in my path and D.O. beside him.

I groaned and turned around to face all of them. "You need to explain to us how you" I giggled cutting off Chen. "I...have to explain...to you? Yeah no, you got that confused, because, I wasn't the one who faded off. You guys left me...so I deserve an explanation." I let out a deep breath and looked around upset.

My eyes landed on Baekhyun and I looked away quickly. I wasn't gonna fall for that. "We left because..." Chanyeol started and looked at the others for help. I laughed, literally hearing it tinkle in the air. "You guys are still adorable"I booped Lays nose.

"But if you can't tell me why...I don't need to explain why either" I slipped past them and walked quickly to class. I sat down and sighed. Today was sure to be boring without Dylan here, perfect.

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