Chapter I - She Hated Him

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September 29, 1975

Lily walked down the corridor with her head bent down. The poor girl didn't want anyone to see her tear-streaked cheeks and red eyes. 'How could he?!?' she thought to herself.

Suddenly, she fell to the floor. Lily had bumped into something, or rather, someone. It was James Potter.

Oh, how Lily h a t e d that boy!!! Nothing but vanity and self-satisfaction filled that big head of his. The worst thing, however, was that James acted as if he... li-... LIKED her. The redhead shuddered as she thought of it. Then she returned to reality - he was standing over her, his hand reaching out to help her up and a lopsided grin on his face.

Lily ignored him, getting up by herself and brushing imaginary dust of her robes. She mumbled a quick 'watch where you're going, Potter...' then tried to walk away with no further interaction. Alas, James had already seen Lily's face and knew he had to help her.

The black haired boy ran up to her and grabbed her arm. He surprised her and managed to push her behind a tapestry. When she realised what was happening, she tried to escape, yet James was much stronger than her.
He looked at her once again. Messy hair, red-rimmed eyes and tear stained cheeks made her look completely miserable. His brown eyes filled with worry.

'Evans, what happened?' he asked, the desperation in his voice easily identified. 'Was it that scumbag Snivellus??? Did he hurt you?'. Poor Lily broke down completely, shuddered, leant against the wall and said in a weak tone 'his name is Severus'...


Three hours later Lily was wondering how, in such a short time, she had gone from having an emotional breakdown to laughing until her sides nearly burst. 'It must have been Potter.' she thought. But how come he had made her feel happier? She hated him! Lily had to admit the past few hours had been good fun.

Lily Evans snuggled into her duvet, thinking of the way she had told James everything, all about her problems, and he had just... listened. She had never seen the kind, thoughtful side of Potter - and she knew she wouldn't be experiencing it for a long time.

She fell asleep with her red hair spread around her head and a small smile tugging on her lips...


Yay! First part finished! Sorry if it's not the best - hopefully I will get better as a writer as the book goes on. :D

If you enjoyed the first part, please please PLEASE leave a vote or comment :D it will make my face look like this -> 8D

Lara xxx

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