2 years and A day

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This is chapter 1 of 2 years and a day, so what do you guys think. It's been a crazy week but it's okay. Anyways, Please comment!!!! Disclaimer: I don't own Austin and Ally or anything you might recognize. Hope you like it.

Ally's P.O.V

It's been 2 years and a day since I haven't seen that horrible jerk face who left me to chase some freaking girl who was obviously the type of girl who would let anyone get into her pants, as long as they're cute and hot.

That girl played with that jerk face like a dog, although she is a bitch,plays with their toys; he was just a freaking toy to her.

He meant everything to me but I obviously didn't mean a thing to him I was just a stepping stone out of a hundred others.

He said and I quote "I want some freedom, fun, and excitement. Ally, you know that Miami isn't going to provide me with that. And it's not you it's me. I am so sorry..."

Then that model girl came and eaves drooped and he knew so he then continued "That it is you, you're the problem Ally you're a nerd and if no one else notices that then they're blind. I'm sooo glad I'm leaving Miami. This place is filled with fools if they can't see you're just a pathetic low life. Now get out of my sight, oh Hi Melody."

I was so mad but it wasn't because he was leaving. I was okay at first until I figured out he was doing it for Melody. Besides he wasn't mean when we were together, he was sweet and nice.

So his change of character was the thing that pissed me off. He changed his whole character in one day for a freaking slut.

It has been 2 freaking years and a day even if I wasn't happy I learned to forget him and his love.

I never wanted to see him again until he came that night. "Who is it?" I asked then I heard his voice. "Alls, It's me,Dallas" He sounded so desperate, but I didn't care.

"Can you please leave, it's too late." It was late, it was like midnight or something. "Why?"

I sighed and said "Because I don't need you, so forget me, my name, my face, and my house. Please just leave now. Please, before you hurt me. Again."

There was silence, but then he sighed and banged the door. "I won't." Another sigh. "Can you at least open the door?"

I finally opened the door and he was there. He looked at my eyes and he thought I was going to melt like I used to but he was dead wrong.

I glared at him and now he was mad and he said "I never understood what you wanted Ally. You are so hard to understand." That was not true!

I just glared at him even harder and said "I don't care. JUST leave because I don't want you here. I moved on. You should do the same. So forget my eyes, my hands, and my lips because they don't want you"

I smirked at his confused and frustrated face. "You're lying!" growled Dallas. I smiled again in satisfaction.

"Well I don't think I am lying, So Forget that I existed, that you met me, forget everything and don't be surprised because you have experience with that."

I was satisfied at my response but

Dallas wasn't giving up. "C'mon Alls..." whined Dallas but I cut him off before he said some big fat lie.

"Stop Dallas. We both know that whatever you say is a lie, you are an expert. Remember? So Don't call me Alls anymore you don't have the right to do so" I said in a very confident voice.

"Ally..." started Dallas again and once again I said "You can't call me Ally either you now have to address me as Allyson Dawson"

I sounded like an Aristocrat "Ugh Fine, Allyson Dawson I can... No, I need to explain" said a desperate Dallas. I looked at his eyes and saw that he was lying again.

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