Third {Real Story}

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"A...Aya..." tawag sakin ng pinsan ko habang humihikbi.

Nasa Japan ako ngayon. I am currently having a video call with my cousin, Lisanna.

"Do you have any tissues in there?" I asked.

"Panyo nalang ang gamit ko," she replied and got her handkerchief.

"What happened?"

"Do you still know Dianne?"

"Yep. The one that we used to play with. The one who has a crush on...wait..lemme think," I think about the guy's name for a second and then, "Ohh! Henry, right?"

"Yes," she said while nodding. "Pero, looks like, gusto niya na si Dylan. Henry has been noticing me since we met. Si Dylan naman, malapit pa rin sa lahat including me. She shifted having a crush with Dylan."

I stopped for a moment to make her informations sink in. You see, I'm not that good at Tagalog, neither in English. But, kaya namang utay-utayin.

I know that this cousin of mine has a crush on Dylan. Her first crush, actually. But, I think her reason is not enough for her to cry. I admire her for liking or loving a guy with all her heart.

"And then?" I asked, wanting for more informations.

"She's always taking him away from us, leaving me with Henry."

We always talk about her, Dylan and Henry. It's like I'm there, watching them. Ikaw ba naman ang kwentuhan ng pinsan mo everyday, tell me if you won't know them that well.

I was so focused at my cousin's love life, until DT Prince came into the picture. We always chat and just like the teenagers nowadays, I fell in love and took him as my boyfriend.

Times went by too fast that I really just wanted to meet him. I want to know the feeling of being love in real life...

So I went back on Philippines where he studies. Seems like, Lisanna and my boyfriend are in the same University.

So yeah, I met Henry. I was not having fun, I admit, but I know that it'll work if I believe. DT Prince is my first love and I'm not letting him go just like that.

But then...he told me something that made me wanna breakdown.

"Sorry, I'm not DT Prince."


"Dylan Torrento. DT."

I already know what he meant by that. And now, I don't know what to do.

Dylan decided to play with me.

Dylan decided to break me.

Dylan decided to fool me.

All of his decisions don't even make sense. All of my love doesn't even make sense.

I used to admire Lisanna and Dylan's love. I used to be there when Lisanna cries, laughs and tell me how they are doing. But, now? I don't know what to do. I have too many questions in my mind. Too many what ifs.

Dylan. Dylan. Dylan.

Lisanna and I love the same person. But, I don't have a chance anymore.

The love story that I once adored, I am now included with Henry.

I really admired their love story...

.....but I didn't see this one coming.


Sorry for not telling an important part of the story. That I am Aya Vergara who is the one narrating the story with my own perspectives. I might be the bad girl in this story because I'm trying to steal Dylan away from my cousin. I'm sorry...I'm really sorry but I don't deserve this kind of love story. I deserve to be love fully.

Their Tragic Love StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon