Things I've Never Done

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Author's note: Hey everyone! I'm sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER. I was very busy but I'm planning on picking up my story again. I'm also thrilled to announce that I'm planning on wrapping this fanfic up, and beginning a sequel to it sometime soon so I hope you all stick around! Thanks for reading! ~ Jenna


"That was not funny!" I yelled as Evan laughed loudly in the driver's seat. A song a didn't know blared, full volume, as we raced through the rayless streets.

"You know it was!" He retorted. I failed to hold in a laugh. "You step in a pothole, and completely just tumble to the ground! On the first day!" Evan laughed again. "It was like something in a bad movie!"

I punched him in the arm. "Okay! You can stop now!" I said with a laugh, and looked at the clock on the dashboard it was already past eleven.

"Alright, we're here." Evan said. Slowing down and putting the car in park.

I looked out the window, and then back at him. "And where exactly is 'here?'"

Evan smiled to himself. "It's the park we went to on our first date." I returned his smile, but he wasn't looking at me. "Come on, let's go."


We walked through the park, hand in hand, talking and laughing loudly. No one was there. The chirping of crickets filled any gaps we had in our conversation. It was like our own personal safe haven.

I carried a bottle of wine in my hands. We picked it up from a liquor store down the road. I popped the lid off now, taking a swig of the sweet, burning liquid, before offering some to Evan.

"So let me get this straight," he said after taking a long drink and handed the battle back over to me. "You've never built a snowman?" I shook my head. "Never went paint balling?"


"Never been camping?"


"Never done drunk karaoke and a bar for the hell of it?"

"Nope. Never." I laughed and Evan joined in.

"There's something seriously wrong with you." He said laughing. We were walking along stepping stones through the grass now.

"You know what?" Evan said suddenly.

"What?" I asked, taking another drink.

"You're going to make a list." I raised an eyebrow.

"A list..?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah." He said, taking the bottle from me. "A list. Of things you never done. And someday, I'm going to help you do them."

I smiled to myself as Evan took a drink. "Sounds like a plan."

A quiet ticking began, causing me to look up from my feet, just as water shot at me from both sides. I screamed and Evan laughed as we began to get soaked by the various sprinklers.

I tried to cover my face as Evan lifted me up by my sides and ran with me closer to one of the sprinklers.

"Evan!" I squealed, dropping the wine bottle on the wet grass, "Put me down or I swear to God!" I began to laugh.

He set me down as we both became drenched with freezing water. Our laughs echoed throughout the park, and suddenly he pressed his lips to mine and the spraying water was forgotten for a split second.

He pulled back, smiled, and picked up the wine bottle before grabbing my hand. "Let's go, let's go, let's go!" He yelled and began to pull me forward, and we ran together through the rest of the sprinklers.


Evan handed me a blanket and blasted the heat in the car. It was nearly one in the morning now.

I rested my head against the window as the purr of the engine and Evan's soft humming lulled me to sleep.

The last thing I remember from that night was pulling into Evan's driveway and him carrying me inside. He sent me upstairs and I changed into dry clothes. I settled into his bed and drifted off to sleep, only to be awakened slightly when he crawled in bed next to me, and slept by my side.

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