Where it all began

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Hi! Hope you enjoy :)

Written by Isobelle and Marla

"For the last time, Dean, it's not a werewolf because it's leaving the hearts behind!" Sam whacked a newspaper onto the table in the bunker, in front of Dean's pie.

"Yeah, Sammy, maybe it was - I don't know - interrupted before it could get it -"

"It's obviously a skinwalker, Dean," Sam said. The two brothers were sat to the table, with newspaper articles scattered about, Sam's computer turned on and various old books of Bobby's and Samuel's. It was a good job they no longer shared residence with anybody in the bunker, because the mess was just getting worse, seeing as neither Winchester had the motivation to sort it. Cas could have done it with a snap of his angel-mojo, but neither Winchester particularly wanted to ask.

Just as Dean and Sam were debating whether the creature was a werewolf or skinwalker, there came a knock at the door. It wasn't a particularly troubling time, so guns weren't required, which meant Sam could answer the door like any other rational human being.

On the doorstep were two police officers, looking grim, and Sam was very grateful he hadn't brought any guns to the door.

"Yes?" Sam said.

"Sam Winchester? Dean Winchester?" came the reply.

"Erm... yeah, why?"

"We have some news, regarding your younger sister."

Sam was pretty sure he did a good impression of a goldfish then, because Dean answered for him.

"We don't ... we don't have a sister. You must have the wrong house."

"No, now you don't. But you did. Let me in and I'll explain."

He was angry, an irrational, blinding anger - he'd had a sibling. A sister - a little sister at that, one he's never even known.

"How did she die?" Sam broke the sudden silence, and Dean blinked the police officers into focus. Just pretend it was a normal case, he told himself, pulling his notepad out his pocket. It was just a normal case.

One of the detectives - the taller, blinked down at the floor, a little crease between his eyebrows, "Well, there are certain... anomalies.. in the case, we erm, aren't entirely certain."

"Anomalies?" Dean echoed incredulously, raising an eyebrow - his sister was dead, and the damn cops couldn't even tell him why.

"The girls are outside." The other detective muttered, pocketing the phone he'd just pulled out - at Sams frown, amended, "Hayley's daughters. Jessica and Charlie Williams."

"Daughters?" Dean felt like he'd taken a punch to the gut.

"Yes, and she left you as their legal guardians."

"Guardians? She knew we existed?" Sam said, as Dean seemed incapable of speaking.

"Your sister, her name was ..." the first detective paused, looking in his notebook, which for some reason angered Dean as surely they should at least know his little sister's name. "She wasn't married, she was Miss. Hayley Williams. The circumstances of her death were - unusual, to say the least. I mean, there's unusual and then there's downright supernat- never mind. Anyway, she has two twin daughters, fifteen, I think. Charlie and Jess Williams. Lovely girls, I'm sure they'll get along perfectly with you."

"Wait, the girls are coming to live with us?" Dean frowned. His fork of pie had frozen halfway to his mouth.

"Well, Hayley's left the girls to her half-brothers her father told her she had, Dean and Sam Winchester -"

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