Beauty and the Beast

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Before you start reading, please note that in my version of the story, the enchanted objects don't exist because I'm not really familiar with their characterisation and I don't want to ruin them. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy my version of Beauty and the Beast!

'Please your grace. I don't care if I remain a beast forever, please just save him!' Eren pleaded, still holding Levi in his arms.

'I see that you've learnt to love, Prince Eren,' the enchantress said, walking towards him majestically.

Eren regained his human form just a while ago, but is now weeping at the sight of his pale and unconscious lover.

Levi came back to rescue him. But things didn't go exactly as he planned.

Eren managed to shake off Gastonia. He even had a chance to kill her. But because he didn't want to revert back to his violent and heartless ways, he let her go.

Eren and Levi reunited and the top of the castle. And when they thought they finally found peace, Gastonia ambushed Eren and attempted to stab him from behind.

As soon as he noticed Gastonia's intentions, Levi immediately shoved Eren out of the way and was stabbed in the chest instead. But because of the rain, Gastonia slipped and fell off the castle, disappearing into the dark and stormy night.
* * *
It all started a few months ago, when Levi declared to take his father's place in Eren's dungeon. He was brave and didn't hesitate to refute against Eren despite his intimidating appearance.

Days had past and Levi still refused to speak to Eren or see him. He locked himself up in the room he was given and didn't eat for days.

When he finally decided to come out for food, he collapsed in the middle of the corridor due to the lack of energy. Eren found him lying on the group and carried him back to his room.

Levi was waken up by the smell of delicious food that was set on the table next to him. He looked around but saw no one. So he assumed that one of the servants of the castle provided him with food without even guessing that it was from the Beast.

After he regained his strength, Levi decided to explore the castle. He was especially tempted by the forbidden West Wing. The Beast told him on his first day that he wasn't allowed in there. Levi's curiosity got the better of him and he intruded.

There, he found a beautiful red rose that was protected by a glass case. He was about to touch the gorgeous object but was halted by the furious roar of the Beast.

'Get out!!!' Eren howled and slammed the door right in his face.

Taking the opportunity, Levi left the castle and ran into the dark and cold forest.

To his dismay, he was suddenly surrounded by a pack of hungry wolves who happily licked their lips at the sight of him. Levi fought bravely using a strong chunk of wood he snapped from a nearby tree. He managed to fight away a large number of them. He even killed a few, but it was no use. More and more wolves appeared and attacked him. It was an endless fight.

Levi swung his weapon at a wolf that jumped at him. He successfully protected himself, but his weapon was taken from him by another wolf.

He decided to make a run for it. He leapt pass some wolves and tried to run away.

Unfortunately, a strong wolf managed to catch up and bit him hard in the leg, causing Levi to immediately fall to the ground.

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