Middle Earth Tag!!

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Alright here is the tag for all my fellow Tolkien fans!!

I was tagged by IsilwenofRivendell

1) What was your first introduction to Lotr?

When my sister was home schooling she had to read The Hobbit. When the first movie came out in 2012 my family decided it would be cool so see the movie. After that we were completely hooked. Before that if I had been asked what a hobbit was I would have looked at you funny.

So we rented the lotr movies from the library and that was the end of sanity as I knew it. That first month it was all Frodo this, Gandalf that. I bought the books, we have posters. So we have K12 (home schooling program) to thank for this.

2) Have you ever read the books?

Yes, twice through now.

3) Which version of the movies do you prefer? Extended or theatrical?

I haven't seen all of the extended. But I have watched some of the extras on Youtube. I think I would definitely prefer the extended.

4) Who's your favorite character and why?

Sam! No contest! He is loyal to the very end and a light when all others go out. He's adorable and so positive.

5) Which other Middle Earth books have you read?

The Hobbit. I plan to read the Sil this summer. Not sure if the Guide to Middle Earth counts...

6) What part of the movie would you change if you could?

Well a large part missing was the Shire being completely taken over... so that definitely needs to put it.

And Tom Bombsomething. And the Barrows! And from what I remember, Faramir was not as obsessed with the Ring and had no intention of taking Frodo and Sam to Gondor.

7) what's your favorite scene in the book and movie and why?

Book- the last part of the last chapter of the last book. After frodo leaves for over sea. Merry and Pippin go off together laughing and stuff. SAM walks home alone and he comes home to Rosie and says, I'm home.  OK that part gets me every time because Sam has no one now, his best friend is gone, pip and Merry grew so close during the journey and rosie is Sam's family. That's it.

Movie- Sam's long and touching speech. No explanation needed.

8) How would you rate your addiction to Lotr with Aragorn being the lowest and Gollum being the highest?

It used to be Gollum. But I gave gained control. I'll say I'm Bilbo. I'm ready for an adventure ( a nonstop 6 movie marathon) but only once in a while.

9) If you could be any character who would you be and why?

Hmm... I think I would want to be a random elf in Rivendell. Through the entire journey they had it easy. I'd live in that room with the fire places where tales are told and songs are sung.



My deepest apologizes if I have missed anyone. Consider yourself tagged if I have.

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