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Hope strikes again

And I feel so happy!

A small light

At the end of the tunnel

And I already feel

The victory

Of justice!

But there's still the wait...

And I will wait.

And keep on struggling.

And believing!

And let Hope live

Until the end of the journey!

Keep the faith

That truth and justice

Will prevail!

And they will...

Sooner or later!

Yes, they will!

I believe!

I keep believing ...

Just a small light at the end of the tunnel

To keep me believing

That there is sun and stars

And love

And compassion!

A beautiful life

To be lived

Despite all the darkness

That surrounds us

And the fears

That fill our hearts!

Hope makes us live

Beyond our known strength!

And we get to know

Other dimension of ourselves

That were hidden for so long!

To be reborn!

To be alive!

To be you!

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