Chapter One : How To Help..?

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Everyone in the Nordic 5 had their problems with eachother.

Sweden with his intimidating stare that scared Finland and sometimes Denmark.

Denmark who made a lot of the other Nordics angry.

Norway who made Denmark depressed but didn't know it.

Iceland trying to act grown up all the time.

Norway nagging Iceland.


It was unhealthy and a lot of the time another Nordic got their feelings hurt.

Another country a close friend of the Nordic Region 5, Estonia noticed this, and decided that they needed to fix their relationships with eachother but he would need help.

Furrowing my eyebrows I began to pace around my room. I want to help them but who should I ask for help?

I know each of us countries have a book of personalities it's a book that contains info from some random magic force that can give correct info on each of us countries and our 2p's so that if we want to we can look at it for help!

I had never looked at the 2p's section of the book it could probably help us but none of us ever look in that section hmm...
Not now though... Another time.

I flipped open the book that had my flag on it.

Well... time to read...

Aha.. Why didn't I think of this?

The magic Trio minus Lukas!
It's brilliant.

I'll get Arthur and Vladimir to send them to a place where they can all bond.


Edmund looked boredly through the book.

Trying to help your friends is hard...

He stopped on The magic trio.

He pressed his hand on his face...

Why didn't I... Oh..well..

As the two Estonian Personas ran to their respective England and Romania all was not well in the Nordic households.

But...What exactly are they up to anyway?

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