5. Thinking Out Loud

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--------HARRY'S POV---------

The two walked, hand in hand, to where the rocks had fallen with Ron on the other side. They let go, knowing that Ron wouldn't be happy to see his best mate and his sister holding hands.

"Ron? Ginny and I are alright." Harry said. Ron scrambled around and poked his head through an opening. "Hey guys, um, how exactly do you suppose you get over to this side?" Harry thought for a moment. "Umm, I don't know, levitation charm?" Ron nodded and went back to his side. "On three. One. Two. Three! Wingardium leviosa." They all said it and managed to move to the rocks so that they could have a clear way through.

"Hey mate." Ron said. "Um, thanks for saving my sister." Harry half glanced at Ginny before answering. "Anytime." Ron nodded. "Dumbledore?" Harry nodded. "Dumbledore."

They made the rest of the way back, and Fawkes came and flew them back up the pipe. As soon as they were on the correct level they half ran to Dumbledore's office and started guessing passwords. Ginny got it first. "Sherbet Lemon?" The gargoyle leapt aside and they went up the stairs.

They knocked and heard the familiar voice say "Come in." They did, and found a surprised Dumbledore, most likely surprised at who was visiting. "Well, what brings you here at this hour?" He asked.

Ron and Ginny looked at Harry. Harry inwardly sighed and started to explain. He told him of how he noticed there was something wrong with Ginny, and that he and Ron had followed her to see what was happening. He explained how they got in and separated. He told him about the black smoke coming out of Ginny and how the teenager Tom Riddle was their. He told them about the basilisk and how Fawkes and the Sorting hat came to his aid, and of how he stabbed the basilisk in the mouth while simultaneously getting stabbed himself. Then of how he stabbed the diary with the fang, and Fawkes healed him. He hesitated a little when he came to the part about the lights, but he went ahead and told them anyway. Dumbledore, for some reason, did not seem surprised at this, only exceptionally happy. "Ah, yes, I was wondering when that would happen." This confused Harry to no extent, but then he felt something else. It was confusion, but not his own. There was something in his mind! He looked to Ginny, and her expression gave it all away. They now had each other in their minds. No biggie. (Note the excessive sarcasm)

Dumbledore did not explain, but he did send a silvery-white bird with a message. "Come to Hogwarts, my office. Harry, Ginny, and Ron are here and what we talked about that day has happened." The bird flew off. Dumbledore turned back to them, eyes twinkling like fireflies. "Mr. Potter, Mr. and Miss Weasley, I have sent for both of your parents and they will be coming here momentarily. Please sir down." Suddenly seven plushy armchairs appeared, enough for them and their parents. Sure enough, seconds later, the Potters and the Weasleys were coming in through the fireplace. They all sat down anxiously, and waited for Dumbledore to explain.

"Okay, well, today something rather interesting has happened." James snorted at that. Lily smacked him on the shoulder. Dumbledore continued."So, firstly I would like to explain why what happened did. Though I don't know how, but Miss Weasley here came into possession of Tom Riddle's diary. From what Harry said, she poured so many secrets, so much of her very soul into it, that the part of Tom Riddle reserved in the diary possessed her." Harry felt Ginny's tenseness at this point, it was over powering. "This is what caused the attacks on students, Miss Weasley was possessed and she let loose the basilisk. I assume by tonight, Tom Riddle felt he had enough to return to full form. We should be grateful Harry had been so observant, otherwise Tom Riddle would have succeeded." Harry blushed at this, and everyone looked at him appreciatively. "So then young Harry here fought the basilisk in the chamber, but got stabbed whenever he managed to kill it. He then used a basilisk fang to stab the diary and Tom Riddle's memory was gone. But something else happened. This was the big event, the one that made it official." He said this with a pointed took at the adults. They all nodded, but the kids were as confused as ever. Dumbledore turned to Harry and Ginny. He said "Harry, Ginny, your parents informed me of the fact that whenever you two looked at each other, you both felt something in your chest. And then, when you hugged, the two of you both felt a warm feeling. Well, this was the start of a soul bond. Tonight, you were officially bonded. The lights you described were your souls. You are now bonded for life. The soul bond also means you will be advanced, very advanced. When you are seventeen you will be more powerful than even me. That means you will have to have extra training in the summer. I will set up some wards so it is possible, because it is necessary that you do. I suggest Animagi training, or Patronuses."

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