All Alone

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I slowly walked in 1st period slowly but quickly trying not to be noticed by anyone. I quickly sit in my desk and pull out my binder and pencil. I have Science first period, the period where everyone has to interact with each other. I was hoping we would just take notes and mind our own business.

You see I'm the type of girl who get ignored, who nobody likes, who gets their books slapped out there hand while walking down the hall. I was Eleanor Moore, the one nobody liked.

We ended up having to do a in class project. I had the worst parter ever, I had Gaby Parker. Gaby was my old bestfriend, I blame her for me being like this. Insecure, quiet, and always getting bullied.

"Can everyone open to pg 347, and can I have someone pass out the papers.Eleanor can you pass them out."

I slowly stand up and walk towards his desk and I grabbed the papers. I'm nerves that something bad is going to happen.I walked to the first group and nothing happened, I walked half way to the second group and suddenly I feel right on my face on the floor.

"ELEANOR ARE YOU OKAY!" Mr.Lewis said as he ran toward me.He grabbed my hand and helped me up as everyone laughed. I got up and looked on the floor and saw a whole puddle of blood. I left the papers on the floor and ran out the class from to then bathroom as everyone continued to laugh. I was holding my head back and had my tissue on top of my nose.I walked into a bathroom stall and locked it and slide down the door. I began to cry, I'm an emotional person and I try not to cry at school.

10 minutes later

I get up after I hear the bell ring. I get up whip my face and make sure there's not blood on my face. I walked slowly back to Science, to go get my things.I knock on the door and Mr.Lewis came and got the door." Eleanor are you okay, I'm sorry for that and Gaby is in the office right now."

"It's okay I'm fine I just came to get my stuff," I say as I put all my things in my backpack. I walk out the door and start to walk to my locker, I reach my locker and I open it and look to my side to

make sure nobody was coming and hit me. But when I look over and see Austin. Austin Mahone about to swallow some girl, I can't see her face.

Austin Mahone is the schools player, he's been with everyone, not including me of course. Not saying I want him to. but Austin is really hot but I don't like him cause he's a jerk. Austin and the girl stop kissing and I can see that it's Gaby. Gaby takes a good look at me and she sees that I'm staring. I quickly turn back,and try to make it look like nothing happened. I was about to grab my book but I feel my hand get slammed by my locker. I wince in pain and I fall to the ground and fight back my tears. I look up and see Gaby and her friends. "Don't look at you me you slut." Gaby says as she kicks me in my stomach. I couldn't hold back my tears I began to cry as everyone crowed us, The security guards come and see what was going on they see me on the floor and then they see Gaby. They then grab Gaby and take her. I sat on floor and just thought why. Why do I have to go through this. I then feel someone tap me, I look up and see Austin."Do you want to get up?" He whispers. "No I'll stay on the floor." "Give me your hand." He says as he grabs my hand helps me up. "Thank you." I say as I fix myself and walk away.

Why did he just help me, I though he hated me. He probably just helped cause he felt bad, but why would he feel sorry for me WHY WOULD HE FEEl BAD FOR ANYONE HES SELFISH. I just don't know why he would help me. We'll forget it.

I walk into 2nd period, and everyone looks at me because I'm 20 minutes late."Ms. Moore your late take a seat.You'll be having after school dentition." "But-." "No buts please take your seat." I take me seat and take out my book and begin to take notes.


I finish getting my food and I walk to an empty table. Like always I'm sitting alone. I sit and begin to eat.

Nothing happened to me during lunch. After lunch I went to 5th period and the rest of the day went slow. The final bell finally rings and I don't get up until the whole room cleared so I would get pushed around. I walk out the door and go to the detention room. I walk in and nobody was in there beside the teacher. "Eleanor?" He says as I walk in. " Yes, that's me." "Take a seat." I take my seat and put my head down, I don't have any homework because I finished it in class.

45 minutes pass

I finally get to leave, I missed my bus so now I have to walk home. I walk out the school door, and the parking lot was empty. I started walking, it quiet until I hear a car honk. I turn my head around and I see Austin in the car. "Eleanor you want a ride?" He says out the car window. "No, I'll walk."

"Get in." He says. " I said I'll walk." I began to walk again. "ELEANOR I SAID GET IN!" I quickly walk to door, I didn't want him to hurt me so I did what he said. "Thank you so were you headed home?" Austin says calmly. "Yes." I whisper. Austin starts driving and he turns the radio on. My favorite song Dark Horse was on, I started humming it quietly. "So you like this song." Austin asks. I stay quiet, I just don't want to say something and it gets me hurt. Austin pulls into my driveway and I get out. "Thank you." I say as I walk in my door.

A couple of hours pass

I'm in my room on my bed, still trying to think of why Austin is being so nice to me, I thought he was an asshole that only cared about himself. I just don't know, I'm not saying I have a problem with him being nice but it's not usual. I shut my eyes and go to sleep.


Hi! Well this is my new story All Alone. There's not much to say but I hope you will like it!

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