chapter 4: arrange marriage pt.1

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Jenna POV

* I at home at 6:05 pm*

"Mom im home" i said

"Oh jenna tommorow we will meet someone at 6:00 dont be late also wear nice cloth" mom said

"Okay mom but why and who are we gonna meet?" I ask

"You just gonna see it jenna well its special ocasion so wear something nice" mom said

"I understand" i said

*Dad came home from work at 6:30 while we eating*

"Oh dad your here " i said

"Jenna did your mom already said to you what about tommorrow?" Dad asked

"Yes , dad i will try my best to not be late " i said

*I go up in my room and lay down at my bed while wondering*

*Why is it special occasion also who are we gonna meet also i needed not to be late maybe i should sleep now*

*Jenna sleep at 8:35 pm*

John POV

* Im go home at 6:25 pm*

"Mom im home" i said

"Hey john tommorrow we will meet someone wear something nice and dont be late it will be 6:00 pm" mom said

"Okay mom" i said while going in my room

*Im glad mom didint notice the bruise at side of my lips maybe i should get sleeo now im just gonna eat tommorrow*

*John sleep at 7:05 pm*

Jenna POV

* I wake up at 5:40 at the am and go to school at 6:00 am *

"JENNA!!" Darrel called me loud

"Oh darrel nice to see you" i said

"Lets go together in class" darrel said

*All classes done until our last class at 5:00 pm *

* I being seatmate with john*

*John kick my table *

"Hey ugly whats up" john said

"Hey what the heck are you trying to do " i said it out loud to cause our teacher look at me

"Trying to get you to detention?"
He said out loud too

"You two see you after class" our teacher said

"B-B-but SIR i mean he the one who started it it should be only him " i said

"Yes he started it but you pay attention to it too " sir said

* John smirk*

*Later at detention room*

*My phone rings and its mom at 6:15 pm*

"Yes mom?" I said

"Hey jenna where are you " mom asked

"Sry mom i was on detention room" i said

"What on detention room!" Mom said with shock


Sry guys i cant make it maybe the prt 2 of this will be chapter 5 well im just run out of time

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