The Start, The Beginning, The Change

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Ambrekay Winter Dinklemen, born October 31, 2013. That Halloween night would change everyone's world forever, especially ours.

Ambrekay was breath taking from the moment she entered this world with her dark brown head of hair, extremely gorgeous eyes, pale skin, and the most beautiful cry I've ever heard a baby cry. We knew she was special from the moment we seen her eyes.  You see most babies are born with dark eyes until their color comes in between 6-9 months after birth, Ambrekay's eyes were a light green that faded into a dark blue and had a gold ring right around the pupils and from birth they have never changed.

Thirteen short years later and here we are with an amazing daughter who has the heart of an angel. She has always had a love for Halloween and not only because it is her birthday. She never wanted to tell why she had loved it so much and we never pushed her to tell us.

The morning was chilly and went perfect with my cup of coffee as I waved my husband off to work while standing on our front porch. The colors of the day were so full of warmth and happiness, I have a feeling it's going to be a great day just like it was thirteen years ago.  I turned around and through our front door to the smell of Ambrekay's favorite breakfast this time of year, pumpkin spice muffins. I had to start her birthday off right, I mean she is a teenager now.

I stumble up the stairs then down the hallway to the birthday girls room.  I crack the door open trying not to make too much noise. I'm in luck she's still asleep I walk over to her beside and watch my beautiful baby as she sleeps, then I grab the air horn from my robe pocket give it a push throw confetti and yell "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!". She jumps out of bed with a smile on her face, this girl is impossible to scare because she's never afraid of anything. I wrap her in my arms give her a huge kiss on the forehead and gave her a pat on the butt to put a little pep in her step to get ready for school, even birthday girls need education. As I am exiting the room I let her know to hurry because her favorite breakfast is downstairs waiting.

As I am in the kitchen getting her breakfast ready I hear her coming down the stairs.  She walks down the hall making her way into the kitchen where I am waiting with a glass of whole milk in one hand and a tray of pumpkin spice muffins in the other hand. She gives me a smile and says "Good morning mom, looks like it's going to be another beautiful day." as she grabs the cream cheese spread out of the fridge then joins me at the table. "I had an amazing dream last night." she says as she grabs a muffin from the tray and cuts it in half setting one half on the plate and spreading her cream cheese on the other half. I could not wait to hear the wonderful dream my daughter had dreamt last night.  She started to tell me her dream was about a better world where everyone is happy and everyone get along, the skies are a beautiful light blue with the whitest clouds scattered throughout them with a gorgeous golden haze throughout the entire sky, the water is crystal clear, unpolluted, and tasted so refreshingly cold, and the grass was green, beautiful flowers of all sorts throughout it, it made you never want to leave. The excitement in her voice was so heart warming. This child had a way of making each day of my life wonderful and full of positivity. I packed her lunch while she finished her breakfast then washed her dishes after she was done. While she was washing her dishes it was my turn to hurry and get ready for the day.

While in the car on the way to drop her off at school we listened to her favorite morning radio station. When I had said we knew she was going to be special from the moment she was born, this is one of our examples. Most children Ambrekay's age love to listen to the latest hits on the Hip-Hop stations, but she loves to listen to the early morning talk radio stations or "Keeping up with what is going on in this world of ours." as she likes to say. It is heartbreaking and horrible to hear about all the crime and hate around us, and wishing there was something I could do to help but I am only one person against a whole world of hatred and crime. We didn't let the negative of the world ruin our positive attitudes and outlook on the world. A twenty minute drive and we arrive outside the middle school, I gave her a hug, a kiss, and a happy birthday. Before she got out of the car she looked at me and said "Don't worry mom, one day I will change this world and we will all be at peace." she gave me a smile then off to school she walked.

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