31 Days, 44,640 Minutes. Let the Countdown Begin

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Almost five very short years later and I still can't recall or even give myself a hint of what I wanted to ask Ambrekay that night  on her thirteenth birthday. It is one month away from our daughter's eighteenth birthday and they have been the best and most amazing eighteen years of my life. I know you think I'm crazy, because what is so wonderful about the teen years, but our daughter has been a true blessing. It's hard to think that after two years of trying and not one but two miscarriages, God had sent me the most amazing daughter. Sometimes I like to think he sent me one of his angels because he knew I needed some guidance and comfort. It is a beautiful Saturday morning as I sit at our patio set in the back yard watching the sun rise and drinking my first cup of coffee.

On my weekends off, on Saturdays Ambrekay and I like to take walks through the trail at the trails located at the end of our street from our home then after we are done we come home  and get ready to go out for our usual breakfast date so Dawson can sleep in (we always bring him some surprise breakfast back). I finish up my coffee then head into the house to get my sunshine out of bed to enjoy our girls day. As I make it to her door I give a small knock then slowly peek in. I am in complete shock when I see her bed is empty and already neatly made. She is in her bathroom in her walking clothes and tennis shoes brushing her teeth while looking in the mirror tugging at her long dark brown ponytail making sure it is adjusted just right. She finally notices me and tries to give me a smile while still brushing her teeth, we both giggle, oh that sweet sweet giggle almost eighteen and I still look at her like she is five. 

She finishes brushing her perfectly white perfect teeth, looks at me then says "Ready to wake the bear!" with a bright smile on her face. She walks over to the door where I am standing and I follow her out, straight down the hallway to our bedroom door. She slowly grabs the handle and opens the door peaking in to make sure her best friend is still asleep...he is. Ambrekay makes a dash doe the bed and then leaps on top of her father yelling/singing "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away!" Dawson pops up laughing and smiling tickles Ambrekay, he loves her giggles just as much as I do. They start their usual Saturday morning conversation about what he was in the mood for, for breakfast. After twenty minutes go by, okay it was only five minutes, but I was already hungry and them talking about food wasn't helping the case on top of feeling a little off this morning. 

Finally we are out the front door doing our quick stretches before we start our walk. We arrive at the start of the ten minute trail, Ambrekay is very chipper this morning and almost in tears with how happy she is, it makes my heart flutter with joy. At the start of the trail I start up the walk conversation for the day with how happy she is and if it had anything to do with a certain someones birthday coming up. She turns her head towards me with a huge smile on her face, and I knew her answer. I still cannot believe my baby girl will be eighteen in just thirty-one days!

"I'm still not sure what I want to do for my birthday yet, Mattielyne and Trey might be coming to celebrate with us if they can get off of work. I already requested off since I'd really like to spend this year with dad, my closest friends, and you." Ambrekay said. I reply "It's your day my love, however you want to spend it, you got it!" then asked "It' cake talk time, what flavor? What color? What don't you want?" she stops dead in her tracks and it startled me. Her face went paler than usual and her face was lined with confusion and panic then she looks me dead in my eyes and says "I forgot to go over cakes with dad! Let me get some ideas from dad and I will let you know. We still have a  month mom." then smiled. "You almost gave me a heart attack! I really thought something was wrong!" I say to her. She apologized and we continued our conversation on birthday planning.

Along the trail Ambrekay became a bit anxious and kept scanning our surroundings as if we would be attacked by a wild animal at any moment. A few short seconds later we reach the end of the trail and on back on our street. Ambrekay seemed to become more relaxed and talkative again, i was something very unusual even for her. She started naming off places to go for breakfast and it made me smile, because she is her father's daughter. As we make it to our yard she darts for the front door yelling back to me "Heading for shower, tell dad to get ready he's going to join us this morning." This day was starting to freak me out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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