Chapter Ten

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He just stood there, shocked. I didn't know how to explain to him that I actually lived this way for quite sometime. "Sub.." He said. I don't think he could get any words out. My apartment had trash everywhere, mold on the ceiling, and broken wood on the floor. This is how I was living. I didn't make it this way, I didn't put the trash on the floor, I just stayed the nights here. We grabbed my clothes and walked out asap because I wanted to leave there forever. I looked at Denis who's was still shocked and to get our minds off of things we went to grab a bite to eat.

At the restaurant Denis and I had a serious conversation, well he talked and I wrote, but it was still serious. "Sub, how long have you lived like that?" He asked. I wrote Almost a year now. He looked at he in shock. "Sub, you have no idea how happy I am that u decided to come visit us. If you didn't you would still be in that apartment. I just want you to know that Alex, Braden, Elijah and I are proud to be your friends." He said. I quickly wrote I'm glad I am your friends too because without you I would probably be somewhere on the streets dying and nobody would care. You guys are the best thing to happen to me out of my entire life. So I wanna say thank you. We enjoyed lunch for about 2 hours until our flight home came. Yes, home. Away from my mom and dad, away from my foster family, I'm now with my  best friends and that's family enough.

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